Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (2024)

Paula Guilfoyle Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (1)

Paula Guilfoyle

CPA | Founder and CEO A Block Of Crypto, Making Cryptocurrency and Blockchain as simple as ABC | World Class Web3 Educator and Advisor (+250K students)|

Published Nov 3, 2015

Many thousands of people are completing courses on Udemy every month. For those of you that are not familiar with Udemy, Udemy is an online open course marketplace. Everyone and anyone can submit a course to Udemy to be placed on the marketplace and the site is full of subject matter experts, sharing their knowledge, skills and experiences via video tutorials. These type of courses have mass appeal, in fact there are over 8m learners registered with Udemy.

If you are one of these 8 million learners, then you should show your certificate on your LinkedIn Profile. Don't know how to do this? Then check out this video link.

Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (11)

The information in the linked video is completely outdated, and it would be FAR easier to have just had the information as part of the post instead of a video.

Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (12)

Wendy Muni

Professional Learning Specialist | Learning and Development | Education Consultant | Ed ➡️ EdTech/Tech | Training & Onboarding Specialist | 𝟐𝟎+ 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞


Thank you for this, so helpful!

Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (13)

Anderson L.

Analista de TI | Mestrando em Computação | Certificado em: CompTIA A+; Cambridge English C1 & B1.


Paula Guilfoyle ( I❤️Blockchain) Adding MOOC certificates like these of Udemy would not bury, on the user profile, more respected international certification exams titles like those of Cambridge University Press & Assessment English, Cisco, MikroTik, CompTIA, The Linux Foundation, Microsoft Education, etc?I'm afraid that adding Udemy certificates on my profile will make it less appealing to employers, because they will not be interested to scroll trough dozens of easier courses instead of looking at just 3 really important proofs of knowledge.

Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (14)

vanamali akhil bharadwaj

software testing intern at Akrivia automation private limited


url id how can i post by using linkedin




Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (15)

the video is really out of date. The LinkedIn interface has changed.




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Udemy, Online Courses, and LinkedIn Certificates

The article discusses the popularity of Udemy, an online open course marketplace, and the significance of showcasing Udemy certificates on LinkedIn profiles. It also addresses concerns about the value of Udemy certificates compared to other international certification exams.

Udemy: Udemy is an online open course marketplace where anyone can submit a course to be placed on the platform. It has over 8 million registered learners and offers a wide range of subject matter expert-led courses via video tutorials.

LinkedIn Certificates: The article suggests that learners who have completed courses on Udemy should display their certificates on their LinkedIn profiles. However, there are differing opinions about the value of showcasing Udemy certificates alongside other internationally recognized certification exams.

Community Engagement: The article includes comments from individuals expressing their opinions and experiences related to the content of the linked video, the relevance of Udemy certificates on LinkedIn profiles, and the changing interface of LinkedIn.

Relevant Concepts

  • Online Learning: The article highlights the increasing popularity of online learning platforms like Udemy and the importance of showcasing acquired skills and certificates on professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn.

  • Professional Development: The discussion around the value of Udemy certificates compared to other internationally recognized certification exams reflects the broader theme of professional development and the significance of credentials in the job market.

  • Social Media and Professional Networking: The article touches on the use of LinkedIn for professional networking and the potential impact of showcasing Udemy certificates on one's profile.


The article provides insights into the dynamics of online learning, the value of certifications, and the role of professional networking platforms in showcasing acquired skills. It also reflects the diverse perspectives and experiences of individuals engaging with online learning and professional development.

Add your Udemy Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile (2024)
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