Characteristics of Successful Students - Oklahoma City Community College (2024)

We all learn differently. We all approach college with a different set of challenges and experiences. But there are some universal characteristics and traits we can all build in ourselves to ensure we're set up for success in college. Here are a few tips, tricks and traits to consider as you aim to succeed at OCCC (maybe in life, too...):

  1. Own Your Experience. You are ultimately the only one responsible for your time here. Ask the questions you need answers to. Get the help you need. Make the experience what you want it to be.
  2. Find Your Why. What's your motivation for doing this? Personal fulfillment, financial stability, personal pride, love of learning? Find your motivation and let it drive you forward.
  3. Manage Yourself. Plan, schedule, follow through, follow up, measure results, and hold yourself accountable for what needs to be done.
  4. Be Interdependent. Self-reliance is valuable, but so is making the choice to invest in mutually-supportive relationships. Find people you can help, and find people who can help you.
  5. Have Self-Awareness. If you're stressed, think through why it's happening. If you're not performing well, trace your habits and look for weaknesses. Don't get so caught up in the moment that you can't still learn from it.
  6. Believe in Life-Long Learning. Even when the grades stop, learning shouldn't. The skills you gain in college help you learn at every opportunity. Keep using them, and keep finding more opportunities.
  7. Have High EQ(Emotional Intelligence). IQ is impressive, but EQ is how you'll rise above. Feel emotions, but manage them in support of your goals; show empathy for others; read the room and serve it well; and don't forget to be kind.
  8. Believe in Yourself. Don't forget that regardless of the grades or the degrees, you are enough. Don't forget to love yourself, be yourself and find the good in yourself - then share it with others.
Characteristics of Successful Students - Oklahoma City Community College (2024)


Characteristics of Successful Students - Oklahoma City Community College? ›

Plan, schedule, follow through, follow up, measure results, and hold yourself accountable for what needs to be done. Be Interdependent. Self-reliance is valuable, but so is making the choice to invest in mutually-supportive relationships. Find people you can help, and find people who can help you.

What are 5 characteristics of successful students? ›

  • Successful students attend classes regularly. ...
  • Successful students take advantage of extra credit opportunities when offered. ...
  • Successful students are attentive in class. ...
  • Successful students see their instructors before or after class, or during office hours, about grades, comments on their papers and upcoming tests.

What determines student success in college? ›

Defining student success relies on the two very important things—metrics and student perception. While administrators use measurements like GPA (grade point average), attendance, and exam scores to gauge success numerically, students might have a different point of view.

What is the most important factor in a college student's success? ›

Time management: Access to resources also includes time management skills. Efficiently managing one's time is a resource in itself. Students who can allocate their time effectively to study, attend classes, and engage in extracurricular activities are better positioned for success.

What are the 7 character strengths of highly successful students? ›

7 Characteristics of Students Who Succeed
  • Adaptable. The changing landscape of a fast-paced culture and technological development means students often need to change directions. ...
  • Connected. ...
  • Organized. ...
  • Proactive. ...
  • Takes Ownership. ...
  • Curious. ...
  • Takes risks.
Jan 17, 2023

What are positive character traits of students? ›

Respect and courtesy. Responsibility, including accountability, diligence, perseverance, self-management skills, and self-control. Fairness, including justice and freedom from prejudice. Caring, including kindness, empathy, compassion, consideration, patience, generosity, charity, and interpersonal skills.

What makes someone successful in college? ›

Successful students take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Successful students take advantage of extra credit opportunities when offered. They demonstrate that they care about their grades and are willing to work to improve them.

How would you describe an excellent student? ›

Some common expressions are hardworking, submitting work on time, actively participating in class and achieving high grades.

What does a student need to be successful? ›

Here are a few more tipss to consider to increase your motivation towards becoming a more successful student:
  • Set realistice goals.
  • Set learning goals.
  • See the value in the task.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Break down tasks.
  • Monitor your progress.
  • Monitor your learning.
  • Create an interest in the task.

What helps college students succeed? ›

College Success Tips
  • Attend and Be Present in Class.
  • Form Relationships with Professors.
  • Speak to Your Advisor.
  • Create Weekly Schedules to Budget Time.
  • Use Your Universities Resources.
  • Build Healthy Study Habits.
  • Have a Study Buddy.
  • Get Involved on Campus.
Aug 26, 2022

What is the biggest factor in student success? ›

When a student experiences these five realities they are most likely to graduate and excel in life:
  • Getting connected to the right people. ...
  • Possessing adaptability and resilience. ...
  • Developing high emotional intelligence. ...
  • Targeting a clear outcome.

What is the definition of a successful student? ›

“Student success means that student has surpassed their own expectation. To not only learned. something but understand it setting goals and going higher” “Helping student succeed in their academic careers. Having resources available to and easily accessible.

What are the four factors of student achievement? ›

Learner centered instruction is designed to include four general areas: cognitive and metacognitive, motivational and affective, developmental and social, and individual differences (Cornelius-White & Harbaugh, 2010).

What is the largest factor determining success in college? ›

Attitude is the largest factor determining success in college. Work to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people, and you'll find you are motivated to carry out the activities that will help you succeed in your courses. Planning ahead, and then following your plan, is the essence of time management.

What are the eight principles of a successful student? ›

Welcome to our blog series on how to apply the principles of positive youth development: curiosity, sociability, resilience, self-awareness, integrity, resourcefulness, creativity, and empathy.

What are the Big Five personality traits of students? ›

1.1. The Big Five personality traits. The Big Five traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) have been related to a wide range of behaviors (Ozer & Benet-Martinez, 2005), including academic achievement and job performance (Costa and McCrae, 1992, Judge et al., 2007).

Which of the Big 5 personality traits predicts academic success? ›

Conscientiousness is the big five personality trait that is most strongly associated with academic motivation. Other traits such as openness, agreeableness, and extraversion also have some association with academic motivation, but the effect sizes are smaller .

What is the key to being a successful student? ›

are attentive in class. They ask questions and participate in class discussions. take advantage of extra credit opportunities. take the initiative to meet with the instructor and the teaching assistant and engage in meaningful conversation outside of class.

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.