Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (2024)

Update: This article was updated on July 26, 2021.

In one of my previous articles, I’ve shown how to create simple email signatures in Outlook using VBScript. In this article, I will show you how to take your email signatures to a higher level. I will use VBScript to create an HTML email signature for every Outlook (for Windows) installation in your organization. The script will create a professional email signature with data taken from Active Directory. Next, I will explain how to use GPO to distribute the script to every user in your organization.

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (1)
  • Creating HTML with VBScript
  • Sample VBScripts
    • Script 1
    • Script 2
  • Creating your own script
  • Deploying the script for a single user
  • Deploying the script for multiple users
  • Professional email signature management

Creating HTML with VBScript

Before you proceed, a short explanation about creating an HTML file with VBScript. Both VBScript and HTML languages use double quotation marks (“) as the default characters for specifying data input. That generates a problem, at least in this scenario. If you try to use single quotation marks for data input in VBScript, you will end up in converting the entire script into a single huge comment. There are two methods which will let us work around this issue:

  1. Adding & “”” after each double quotation mark found in HTML code (method used in Script1). Just be sure to add a space before the & character as well.
  2. Changing all double quotation marks to single quotation marks in HTML code (method used in Script2).

I prefer method 2, as it results in a cleaner code and it’s easy to use e.g. Notepad to replace all ” with ‘ in a source HTML file.

In addition to those methods, you could use only a single WriteLine method and create one-line HTML code. Although it might make the method used in Script 2 slightly easier, you will greatly decrease readability of your code.

Sample VBScripts

First, you need to create a script which will create a personalized HTML email signature for each user. Below, I will present two different sample scripts which create two different signature templates. Those samples use slightly different methods to generate HTML code.

The base HTML code for signature templates originates from the free email signature generator.

Important! Both scripts include a section with global placeholders. They relate to data that should be identical for every user (company address, social media websites, etc.). Make sure to replace their values with your company’s data.

Script 1

The first sample script will let you create the following signature template:

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (2)

Click to expand/hide Script 1

On Error Resume Next'Setting up the script to work with the file system.Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'Connecting to Active Directory to get user’s data.Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")Set UserObj = GetObject("LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName)strAppData = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%")SigFolder = StrAppData & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"SigFile = SigFolder & UserObj.sAMAccountName & "1.htm"'Setting placeholders for the signature.strUserName = UserObj.sAMAccountNamestrFullName = UserObj.displaynamestrTitle = UserObj.titlestrMobile = UserObj.mobilestrEmail = UserObj.mailstrCompany = UserObj.companystrOfficePhone = UserObj.telephoneNumber'Setting global placeholders for the signature. Those values will be identical for all users - make sure to replace them with the right values!strCompanyLogo = """"strCompanyAddress1 = "16 Freedom St, Deer Hill"strCompanyAddress2 = "58-500 Poland"strWebsite = """"strFacebook = """"strTwitter = """"strYouTube = """"strLinkedIn = """"strInstagram = """"strPinterest = """"'Creating HTM signature file for the user's profile, if the file with such a name is found, it will be overwritten.Set CreateSigFile = FileSysObj.CreateTextFile (SigFile, True, True)'Signature’s HTML code.CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " & """-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" & """>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Email Signature</TITLE>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<META content=" & """text/html; charset=utf-8" & """ http-equiv=" & """Content-Type" & """>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</HEAD>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<BODY style=" & """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" & """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<table style=" & """width: 420px; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" & """ cellpadding=" & """0" & """ cellspacing=" & """0" & """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tbody>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td width=" & """130" & """ style=" & """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border-right: 1px solid; border-right-color: #008080; width: 130px; padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: top;" & """ valign=" & """top" & """ rowspan=" & """6" & """> <a href=" & strWebsite & """ target=" & """_blank" & """><img border=" & """0" & """ alt=" & """Logo" & """ width=" & """110" & """ style=" & """width:110px; height:auto; border:0;" & """ src=" & strCompanyLogo & """></a>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<table cellpadding="& """0"& """ cellspacing="& """0"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tbody>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td style="& """font-size: 10pt; color:#0079ac; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; width: 305px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top; line-height:25px;"& """ valign="& """top"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<strong><span style="& """font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color:#008080;"& """>" & strFullName & "<br></span></strong>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span style="& """font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; color:#545454;"& """>" & strTitle & "</span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span style="& """font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; color:#545454;"& """> | </span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span style="& """font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; color:#545454;"& """>" & strCompany & "</span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td style="& """font-size: 10pt; color:#444444; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top;"& """ valign="& """top"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span><span style="& """color: #008080;"& """><strong>m:</strong></span><span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color:#545454;"& """>" & strMobile & "<br></span></span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span><span style="& """color: #008080;"& """><strong>p:</strong></span><span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color:#545454;"& """>" & strOfficePhone & "<br></span></span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span><span style="& """color: #008080;"& """><strong>e:</strong></span><span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color:#545454;"& """>" & strEmail& "</span></span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top; color: #0079ac;"& """ valign="& """top"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #008080;"& """>" & strCompanyAddress1 & "<span><br></span></span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #008080;"& """>" & strCompanyAddress2 &"</span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top; color: #0079ac;"& """ valign="& """top"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<a href="& """"& """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """ style="& """text-decoration:none;"& """><span style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #008080;"& """></span></a>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<tr>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<td style="& """font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top;"& """ valign="& """top"& """>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "<span><a href="& strFacebook & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """facebook icon"& """ style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a>&nbsp;</span><span><a href="& strTwitter & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """twitter icon"& """ style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a>&nbsp;</span><span><a href="& strYouTube & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """youtube icon"& """ style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a>&nbsp;</span><span><a href="& strLinkedIn & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """linkedin icon"&""" style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a>&nbsp;</span><span><a href="& strInstagram & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """instagram icon"& """ style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a>&nbsp;</span><span><a href="& strPinterest & """ target="& """_blank"& """ rel="& """noopener"& """><img border="& """0"& """ width="& """21"& """ alt="& """pinterest icon"& """ style="& """border:0; height:21px; width:21px"& """ src="& """"& """></a></span>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</td>"CreateSigFile.Writeline "</tr>"CreateSigFile.Close'Applying the signature in Outlook’s settings.Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")Set objSignatureObjects = objWord.EmailOptions.EmailSignature'Setting the signature as default for new messages.objSignatureObjects.NewMessageSignature = strUserName & "1"'Setting the signature as default for replies & forwards.objSignatureObjects.ReplyMessageSignature = strUserName & "1"objWord.Quit

Script 2

The script below lets you create the following signature template:

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (3)

Click to expand/hide Script 2

On Error Resume Next'Setting up the script to work with the file system.Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")Set UserObj = GetObject("LDAP://" & objSysInfo.UserName)strAppData = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%")SigFolder = StrAppData & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"SigFile = SigFolder & UserObj.sAMAccountName & "2" & ".htm"'Setting placeholders for the signature. They will be automatically replaced with data from Active Directory.strUserName = UserObj.sAMAccountNamestrFullName = UserObj.displaynamestrTitle = UserObj.titlestrMobile = UserObj.mobilestrEmail = UserObj.mailstrCompany = UserObj.companystrOfficePhone = UserObj.telephoneNumber'Setting global placeholders for the signature. Those values will be identical for all users - make sure to replace them with the right values!strCompanyLogo = ""strBanner = ""strBannerLinkingTo = ""strCompanyAddress = "16 Freedom St, Deer Hill 58-500 Poland"strWebsite = ""strFacebook = ""strTwitter = ""strYouTube = ""strLinkedIn = ""strInstagram = ""strPinterest = ""'Creating HTM signature file for the user's profile.Set CreateSigFile = FileSysObj.CreateTextFile (SigFile, True, True)'Signature’s HTML codeCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN'>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Email Signature</TITLE>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<META content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</HEAD>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<BODY style='font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;'>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<table width='480' style='font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tbody>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<td width='160' style='font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; width: 160px; vertical-align: top;' valign='top'> <a href='' target='_blank'><img border='0' alt='Logo' width='125' style='width:125px; height:auto; border:0;' src='" & strCompanyLogo & "'></a>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</td>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<td valign='top' width='270' style='width:270px; vertical-align: top; line-height:11px; border-right:2px solid #29abe1'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='270'><tbody> <tr> <td style='font-size:12pt; height:14px; line-height:14px'><strong style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12pt;color:#29abe1;'>" & strFullName & "</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style='font-size:9pt; height:14px; line-height:14px'> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:9pt; color:#000000;'>" & strTitle & "</span> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size:9pt; color:#000000;'> |" & strCompany & "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='height:14px; line-height:14px'>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style='font-size:9pt; height:14px; line-height:14px'> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif;color:#000000;FONT-SIZE: 9pt'><strong>M</strong> " & strMobile & "</span> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif;color:#000000;FONT-SIZE: 9pt'> | <strong>P</strong> " & strOfficePhone & "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='font-size:9pt; height:12px; line-height:12px'> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif;color:#000000;FONT-SIZE: 9pt'><strong>E</strong> " & strEmail & "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='height:14px; line-height:14px'>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style='font-size:9pt; height:12px; line-height:12px'> <span style='font-family: Arial, sans-serif;color:#000000;FONT-SIZE: 9pt'>" & strCompanyAddress & "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='font-size:9pt; height:12px; line-height:12px'> <span><a href='https://" & strWebsite & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener' style=' text-decoration:none;'><strong style='color:#29abe1; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:9pt'>" & strWebsite & "</strong></a></span> </td> </tr> </tbody><tbody> </tbody></table>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</td>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<td style='vertical-align: top; padding-left:10px' valign='top' width='35'> <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='25'> <tbody>"If strFacebook <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='" & strFacebook & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='facebook icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px;' src=''></a></td></tr>"End IfIf strTwitter <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='" & strTwitter & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='twitter icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px;' src=''></a></td></tr>"End IfIf strYouTube <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='"& strYouTube &"' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='youtube icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px' src=''></a></td> </tr>"End IfCreateSigFile.WriteLine "</tbody></table>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</td>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<td style='vertical-align: top;' valign='top' width='25'>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='25'> <tbody>"If strLinkedIn <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr><td style='height:12px; font-size:1px' height='12'>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='" & strLinkedIn & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='linkedin icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px;' src=''></a></td> </tr>"End IfIf strInstagram <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='" & strInstagram & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='instagram icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px;' src=''></a></td> </tr>"End IfIf strPinterest <> "" ThenCreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr> <td width='25' height='30' valign='top' style='vertical-align: top;'><a href='" & strPinterest & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' width='26' height='25' alt='pinterest icon' style='border:0; height:25px; width:26px' src=''></a></td> </tr>"End IfCreateSigFile.WriteLine "</tbody></table>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</td>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</tr>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr><td colspan='4' style='padding-top:15px;'> <a href='" & strBannerLinkingTo & "' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img border='0' alt='Banner' width='479' style='max-width:479px; height:auto; border:0;' src='" & strBanner & "'></a> </td>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</tr>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "<tr><td colspan='4' style='padding-top:15px; line-height:14px; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #808080; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;'>The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.</td>"CreateSigFilCreateSigFile.WriteLine "</tbody>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</table>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</BODY>"CreateSigFile.WriteLine "</HTML>"CreateSigFile.CloseSet objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")Set objSignatureObjects = objWord.EmailOptions.EmailSignatureobjSignatureObjects.NewMessageSignature = strUserName & "2"objSignatureObjects.ReplyMessageSignature = strUserName & "2"objWord.Quit

Creating your own script

You can feed any HTML signature to the VBScript. For good examples of HTML signature templates, go to the free email signature generator or the free signature template library.

The general idea for creating your own script with the help of the sample scripts provided in the previous section of this article is to replace the code under the ‘Signature’s HTML code comment with your own. Keep in mind to replace user-specific data with placeholders, for example, use strFullName in place of the user’s name.

If you use the free email signature generator, you can get rid of the global placeholders found in the script above. Simply provide your company’s data as well as all the necessary links and graphics in the generator instead of replacing them with global placeholders in HTML code.

Deploying the script for a single user

Before you run the script for everyone in your company, it’s best to test it for a single user. To deploy the script, whether it’s your custom one or one of the samples provided above, follow these few simple steps:

  1. Copy & paste the VBScript code into any basic text editor (for example Notepad or Notepad++).
  2. Replace values for global placeholders (if applicable).
  3. Save the file with a .vbs extension.
  4. Run the script by double-clicking the VBS file.
  5. Finally, go to Outlook > File > Options > Mail > Signatures and confirm whether a signature with the same name as your AD account name has been added to the list of available signatures.

Now, when you get to the signature settings, you might see that the graphics are flattened, like that:

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (4)

That’s because the Outlook’s signature editor doesn’t parse HTML code very well. The problem comes from the graphics’ height being set to “auto”. Fortunately, when the signature is added into an email, it’s parsed correctly.

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (5)
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (6)

Deploying the script for multiple users

There are two simple ways to deploy the script for multiple users. One of them is to launch the VBS file from each workstation, the second is to use GPO and a logon script. Since the first method is self-explanatory, I will show how to deploy the signature using GPO.

  1. Use the Windows logo key+R key combination to launch the Run console. Type gpmc.msc and press Enter to launch the Group Policy Management Editor.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (7)
  1. In the Editor, go to User Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Scripts. Right-click Logon and click Properties from the context menu.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (8)
  1. In the Logon Properties window, click Add.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (9)
  1. In the window that opens, click Browse.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (10)
  1. Locate your VBS file, highlight it, and add it to the logon script by clicking Open.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (11)
  1. Finally, confirm by clicking Apply and OK.
Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (12)

The next time a user logs in, the signature script should run, and the email signature should be added to that user’s Outlook profile.

Professional email signature management

VBScript, together with GPO, lets you manage email signatures across company. Thanks to this method, you can successfully deploy unified email signatures for every Outlook user in your organization. However nice it is, the method isn’t perfect. Here are just some of its drawbacks:

  • requires at least basic scripting knowledge,
  • doesn’t work with any email client other than desktop Outlook for Windows,
  • doesn’t prevent users from changing the signature,
  • updates take time (you need to change the script and to redistribute it),
  • it’s impossible to delegate this task to a marketing team,
  • if for some reason the script won’t work in your environment (e.g., you use non-standard port to communicate with LDAPS), you are on your own when it comes to troubleshooting.

That’s why we came up with tools for email signature management. The CodeTwo Exchange Rules family of products (for Exchange Server versions from 2007 to 2019) and CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 (for Microsoft 365 organizations) take email signature management to a whole different level. These tools let you:

  • Design email signatures using a simple WYSIWYG editor or import any HTML code easily.
  • Add email signatures to emails send from any email client or device (including mobiles).
  • Add different email signature templates for different scenarios (depending on the recipient, different signature for first and subsequent emails in a conversation thread).
  • Prevent users from making any changes to the signature or disclaimer.
  • Implement changes to signatures instantly (changing images).
  • Embed images, so that they are always visible for your recipients (without the need to click “Download pictures”).
  • Schedule marketing campaigns.
  • Keep calm, knowing you have 24/5 Customer Success Team available, should you run into any issues.
  • And benefit from many more features…

Try CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365 for free – if you have a Microsoft 365 organization.

Try CodeTwo Exchange Rules for free – if you are running an on-premises Exchange Server.

Create Outlook HTML email signatures for all users with VBScript (2024)


How do I deploy a signature template for all users in Outlook? ›

Create a signature that applies to all messages
  1. Select the app launcher. ...
  2. Select Admin centers, and then choose Exchange.
  3. Under Mail flow, select Rules.
  4. Select the + (Add) icon and choose Apply disclaimers.
  5. Give the rule a name.
  6. Under Apply this rule, select [Apply to all messages].
Jul 29, 2022

How do I create an HTML signature in Outlook? ›

Add HTML Signature to Outlook
  1. Create a new empty signature in Outlook. In Outlook go to File > Options > Mail and click on Signatures…
  2. Create a new empty signature. ...
  3. Open the signatures folder. ...
  4. Find the placeholder signature. ...
  5. Insert the HTML signature. ...
  6. Test your new signature.
Dec 10, 2020

How do I deploy an email signature using group policy? ›

So how do you deploy a new email signature for all employees?
Group Policies to the rescue
  1. Creating a signature template. I got the new email signature and I had to create a template so that my PowerShell script would fill in the information later. ...
  2. PowerShell script. ...
  3. We got a signature. ...
  4. Set up a group policy.
Nov 4, 2018

How do I get Outlook to display all signatures? ›

Create and add an email signature in
  1. Sign in to and select Settings. > View all Outlook settings at the top of the page.
  2. Select Mail >Compose and reply.
  3. Under Email signature, type your signature and use the available formatting options to change its appearance. ...
  4. Select Save when you're done.

How do I add a signature to all users? ›

Set up an organization-wide email signature in Microsoft 365 ...

How do I create a dynamic email signature? ›

Dynamic Email Signature with Icons - YouTube

How do I create an HTML email signature template? ›

Select the General tab, then scroll down to the Signature area. If you don't have a Gmail signature set up, choose Create new, and then name the signature. Then, paste your HTML email signature into the Signature field, and edit as desired. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select Save Changes.

How do I add an HTML signature to Outlook Web? ›

Hover over the settings icon and select the 'Options' menu. Select Email signature from within the Sub-Menu 'Layout' in Mail Options. Paste your signature using CTRL + V into the text area box as shown in the right.

How do I set up automatic signature in Outlook 365? ›

Create an email signature
  1. Sign in to Outlook on the web.
  2. Go to Settings. > View all Outlook settings > Compose and reply.
  3. Under Email signature, type your signature and use the available formatting options to change its appearance. Note: You can have only one signature per account. ...
  4. Select Save when you're done.

How do I standardize an email signature for a business? ›

Well-designed graphics located in your email signature can easily catch users' attention, so don't hesitate to use them in your favor. Add your company logo to all email signatures. Make sure the logo is well-exposed and links to your company's website. Add users' photos into your email signatures.

How do I automatically add a signature in Outlook 2022? ›

For Web app
  1. Sign in to your Outlook account.
  2. Go to Settings>View all Outlook settings>Compose and reply.
  3. Go to the Email signature section and type in your signature. ...
  4. Select Automatically include my signature in the new messages I compose option if you want Outlook to add your signature automatically in your emails.

How do I automatically add signatures in Outlook app? ›

  1. Open your Outlook app on your mobile device and click on the Settings gear icon.
  2. Under Settings, click on the Signature option.
  3. Enter either a generic signature that could be used for all email accounts tied to your Outlook app, or a specific signature, Per Account Signature, for each email account.

How do I put my name and address automatic on each outgoing mail? ›

Try it!
  1. Select New Email.
  2. Select Signature > Signatures.
  3. Select New, type a name for the signature, and select OK.
  4. Under Edit signature, type your signature and format it the way you like.
  5. Select OK and close the email.
  6. Select New Email to see the signature you created.

How do I insert a script signature in Outlook? ›

Create your signature and choose when Outlook adds a signature to your messages
  1. Open a new email message.
  2. Select Signature > Signatures from the Message menu. ...
  3. Under Select signature to edit, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, type a name for the signature.
  4. Under Edit signature, compose your signature.

How do I create multiple signatures in Outlook 365? ›

How To Create Multiple Signatures In Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2016 and 2019
  1. Click on the Search bar.
  2. Type in “Signature”
  3. Select the autofill option that appears to open the Outlook email signature editor.
  4. Click “New” and design your signatures.
  5. Click “o*k” to open a new message.
Oct 26, 2020

How do I add a signature to all users in Exchange 2016? ›

How to add an email signature to all users in Exchange 2016 - YouTube

What is dynamic signature? ›

Dynamic signatures are a type of handwritten signature, characterized by a chronological sampling of the signature movement. They differ from physical signatures in their acquisition method and the recorded features.

How do I create a professional email signature with logo? ›

How to Create a Professional Email Signature
  1. Do keep it short. ...
  2. Don't throw in the kitchen sink. ...
  3. Do include an image. ...
  4. Don't include your email address. ...
  5. Do be careful with contact information. ...
  6. Don't promote a personal agenda with a work email signature. ...
  7. Do use color. ...
  8. Don't go font-crazy or use animated gifs.
Jun 2, 2022

How do I export my signature from Outlook 365? ›

Outlook signatures are stored in small files in your user profile folder and may be exported for backup purposes. Outlook doesn't have a menu option to export signatures, however, so you'll need to navigate to the source folder and manually copy your signature files to a desired backup location.

How do I create an email signature for my clients? ›

How to Create a Professional HTML Email Signature in Under 5 Minutes ...

How do I create a HTML signature? ›

Reserve a path element inside the container svg. Use touch events ( touchstart , touchmove , touchend ) for the user to draw the signature using touch inputs. Use mouse events ( mousedown , mousemove , mouseup , mouseout ) for the user to draw the signature using mouse inputs.

Where are Outlook 365 Signatures stored? ›

Another easy way to get to the folder location of your Outlook signatures is to open Outlook and navigate to File > Options > Mail. When you see the "Signatures..." button, hold Ctrl and click on the button. This will open the folder location of your saved Outlook signature files.

How do I create a signature block in Outlook? ›

Create or update a signature block in Outlook
  1. Click "Tools" in the main menu at the top of the screen.
  2. Click "Options" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the "Mail Format" tab.
  4. Click the "Signatures" button.
  5. Click "New" button to create a new signature block.
  6. Give the signature block a name.

Why can't I create a signature in Outlook 365? ›

Maybe your current Outlook profile is corrupted and that's why you can't add a signature. The quickest solution is to create a brand-new Outlook profile and check if adding a signature works now. Check if the Signature option is available and fully functional.

How do I standardize an email signature for a business? ›

Well-designed graphics located in your email signature can easily catch users' attention, so don't hesitate to use them in your favor. Add your company logo to all email signatures. Make sure the logo is well-exposed and links to your company's website. Add users' photos into your email signatures.

How do I change the default signature in Outlook registry? ›


Registry KeyPath: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\XX. X\Common\MailSettings (The xx. x must be replaced by your Outlook version, simply open REGEDIT on any machine with Outlook installed and confirm the version number.)

How do you access exclaimer? ›

Login to the Exclaimer portal (, using the email address provided when you created your subscription. Click Manage... against the required subscription. Note: If you cannot see the Manage option against the subscription to which you want to add another user, then you are not the subscription admin.

How do I create multiple signatures in Outlook 365? ›

How To Create Multiple Signatures In Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2016 and 2019
  1. Click on the Search bar.
  2. Type in “Signature”
  3. Select the autofill option that appears to open the Outlook email signature editor.
  4. Click “New” and design your signatures.
  5. Click “o*k” to open a new message.
Oct 26, 2020

Where is Outlook signature stored in registry? ›

For Outlook 2016, the signature folder assignment is at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General . Change the folder name in the Signatures value to point to a new folder. The default folder path is assumed to be %appdata%\microsoft so you just need to use a folder name.

Why can't I change my Outlook signature? ›

When going through email settings, under Layout menu, the Signature button might be missing. This makes it impossible for users to make any changes to their Office 365 email signatures. The most probable cause is OWA policy blocking this feature.

How do I remove the default signature in Outlook? ›

Click Next to go to the Settings step. Once there, click Outlook configuration settings to expand the settings list. Locate the Default App Signature option and set it to No.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.