Dollhouse Scale - Factory Direct Craft Supply (2024)

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Scale Calculator

Real Life Size:
Size of miniature:

What Do I have / What Size Should I Buy?!

Many words are thrown around in regard to the size of items. Miniature, mini, ultra-mini, superduper-redicu-mini (ok, I made that one up) and more are used in titles and descriptions. The onlytrue way to know if an item will look right and fit properly in your dollhouse is by sticking to thesame SCALE. Dollhouse miniatures can be SO detailed, it makes it hard to determine if a newplush loveseat will look right next to your coffee table and floor lamp. Pictures do not tell thewhole story. Check the scale!

What is Scale, you ask? Scale is a term relating to the size of an item to its full-size counterpart.Scale is written as a ratio of numbers. A full-size item would be 1:1. A product that is exactlyhalf the size of the original would be 1:2 and so on. A rocking chair for a child may be close to 1:2of the adult version. The scales we will focus on are 1:6, 1:12, 1:24, 1:48, and 1:144.

  • 1:6 Scale, also known as Play or Fashion Scale, it is mostly seen in fashion dolls (thinkBarbie). Here, one inch equals 6 inches in real life. So a six-foot tall person would bemodeled at one foot (12 inches) tall. This is an ideal size for something children will usefor play.
  • 1:12 Scale, the most common dollhouse scale, and generally referred to as Dollhouse,Surprise! A majority of standardized dollhouses, furniture, accessories, and figures aremanufactured around the 1:12 scale. In the USA, this makes it easy for us to calculate,since one foot in reality equals one inch in dollhouse scale. So a three foot high table inyour kitchen would be a three inch high table in your dollhouse. A standard eight footceiling in a house is eight inches in a dollhouse.
  • 1:24 Scale, or Half Scale, is half the size of Dollhouse scale. 1:24 scale items placed in a1:12 dollhouse will appear undersized and child-like. Not as much detail can be put into1:24 items, so they will usually be more simple in design or decoration. To keep with theexample of the three foot table in your house, the dollhouse table would now stand aninch and a half high.
  • 1:48 Scale, Quarter Scale, is half again the size. So your table is now three quarters of aninch high. One real-life foot is one quarter of an inch.
  • 1:144 Scale, Micro Scale, or that size you want if you are making a dollhouse to go INyour dollhouse!

Other scales, and unscaled items definitely exist. You will definitely have to measure anddo some math. We will talk about how to do that coming up next

What Scale do I have?! To be able to determine what the scale is of the things are already own,we will have to measure and compare it to a known source. The seat of a dining room chair isrelatively consistent, as are dining tables, door frames, and ceilings heights. Comparingminiature items to these real-life equivalents will approximate the scale on the items youpossess. Below you will find examples of the four instances I have just referenced above.

Real Chair = 19"
Miniature Chair = 1.625"
Real / Mini = 19 / 1.625 = 11.69 or 1:12 scale.Dollhouse Scale - Factory Direct Craft Supply (7)

Dining Table:
Real Table = 29.5"
Miniature Table = 2.375"
Real / Mini = 29.5 / 2.375 = 12.4 or 1:12 scale.Dollhouse Scale - Factory Direct Craft Supply (8)

Real Door = 80"
Miniature Door = 3.25"
Real / Mini = 80 / 3.25 = 24.6 or 1:24 scale.

Standard Ceiling Height = Generally Between 96"and 108"
Dollhouse Ceiling Height = 8.375"
Real / Mini = (96 or 108) / 8.375 = between 11.46 & 12.9 or 1:12 scale.

To Estimate the scale of your items, divide the measurement of your real-life item by yourminiature. The result should be *close* to one of the numbers we have discussed. Your numbersmay be slightly above or below, but they should be within one or two of the scale factor. So ifyou got between 10 and 14, that is probably 1:12. If you came out something between 14 and 22,either check your numbers, or see if you may have an item that is not-to-scale, or possibly a moreexotic scale standard. Other scales do exist. When purchasing new items or a house for the itemsyou own, stick to the scale you calculated and everything should look nice and tidy!Dollhouse Scale - Factory Direct Craft Supply (9)

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Dollhouse Scale - Factory Direct Craft Supply (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.