Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (2024)

By Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship® / Published: 09/15/2015 / Updated: 09/27/2020

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  1. Picking the Best Apples for Apple Salsa

Want to use up all of those apples but sick of making applesauce? Fermenting apples is an easy place to try fermentation for the first time. A salsa apple ferment is a crowd pleaser.

This is a guest post from Jo at Nourishing Time. Ferments are an area I feel I’ve been lacking in here at KS so I’m glad to welcome her with this yummy recipe! Fermented foods are key to healing your gut as I said in yesterday’s post, 100 Steps to Healing Your Gut

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (1)

Apple salsa is super simple, so delicious and quite versatile! We love to eat it on its own, or thrown into a yummy grilled chicken salad. When fermented, it adds a host of beneficial bacteria and increases the nutrients naturally in the ingredients included.

The recipe below is for a very simple apple salsa, and you’re welcome to include additional ingredients that you think may go well. I sometimes like to add some chopped bell peppers, but it’s delicious as-is!

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (2)

Picking the Best Apples for Apple Salsa

Many apple varieties will work with this recipe. I personally prefer to use Gala, Fuji and/or Honeycrisp apples. The only real requirement is that you use very fresh, very crisp apples. Well, even that’s not completely necessary, but less crisp apples may lead to a mushier (but still edible) salsa. You can leave the skin on if you’d like.

This recipe will make you a quart. I like to make several quarts at a time because we devour it so quickly. We love it almost as much as pineapple salsa!

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (3)


Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (4)

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star4.7 from 3 reviews

  • Author: Jo
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 24 hours
  • Total Time: 24 hours 15 mins
  • Yield: 1 quart 1x
  • Category: Condiments
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  • 23 large, crisp apples
  • 1/2 large red onion (or about 1/2 cup packed), finely chopped
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 1/2 inch fresh ginger (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp. allspice
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • Approximately 2 cups water


  1. Start with a clean 1L (or quart) jar with a lid. I love Fido and mason jars most.
  2. Core and cube or chop apples into bite-sized pieces. Add to a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add finely chopped red onions.
  4. De-seed and slice jalapeno in 4 or more pieces and add to bowl.
  5. Add ginger (whole) to bottom of jar as you just want the flavor to infuse your salsa.
  6. Add your lemon juice and allspice to the mixing bowl and mix all your ingredients together.
  7. Pack your salsa mixture into the jar. Now is the time to add a weight if you’re using one–although it’s not essential, it can help apples stay under the brine and gain the best flavor.
  8. Mix salt (Use the code kitchenstewardship for 15% off of your first purchase) and water together, and pour over into packed jar. If there isn’t enough water to cover, add a little more. You want to only leave about an inch of space in the jar.
  9. Close jar tightly and let ferment for 24-48 hours at room temperature, then move to fridge. It should be a bit bubbly, and smell awesome!
  10. Enjoy chilled!


You can also use sourdough tortillas to make sourdough cinnamon chips by cutting tortilla into wedges, misting with coconut oil, and sprinkling with a cinnamon sugar mixture then baking for a few minutes until crispy. These are perfect for dipping in salsa!

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Katie’s notes: Fermented foods are SO important to a healthy diet. I’m big on probiotics and having a healthy gut, so I was pleased to add this recipe to KS. It’s a great way to get started with fermented foods without worrying about grains, SCOBYs or other “trickier” forms of bacteria.

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (5)

What’s YOUR favorite type of salsa?

Keep Your Gut Healthy

  • 100 Steps to Heal Your Gut
  • Why Do I Have Stomach Pains After Eating?
  • What Does It Mean to Heal My Gut?
  • Health Benefits of Yogurt

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (6)Jo is an attached mom to her smarty-pants son and a full-time student majoring in Public Health. She is fascinated with holistic healing and loves to read, cook and ferment anything she can get her hands on in her spare time. She blogs at Nourishing Time about natural ways of improving health through food and positivity. Like Nourishing Time on Facebook by clicking here.

Unless otherwise credited, photos are owned by the author or used with a license from Canva or Deposit Photos.

Category: Food Preservation, Real Food Recipes

Tags: appetizer, apples, condiments, fall, fermented foods, side dish, traditional foods

Easy Naturally Fermented Apple Salsa Recipe (2024)
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