Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (2024)

It sounds like the setup for a joke missing a punchline: What’s big and white and seen all over?

One of the first things many Southwest Florida newcomers may notice is the abundance of large, pale, two-legged creatures. No, not their fellow newcomers; we’re talking about the region’s feathered fauna: the myriad species of white birds that also call the region home.

Egrets and ibis, herons and pelicans —they all come in white varieties, and that can be confusing, especially since some of them look very similar at first glance.

Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (1)

Unlike some other species that have memory devices to help tell them apart (think “Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, venom lack” for the coral snake versus kingsnake IDs) retired FGCU professor Jerry Jackson, the region’s preeminent ornithologist can’t think of any such handy rhymes for telling white birds apart.

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“I've never heard of any,” he says, “But it’d be a good idea, because there are so many.”

Kathy Miller, who’s been trying to figure out just which bird’s been hanging around her North Fort Myers pond, could sure use one. “My mnemonic is ‘What the heck is that?’ she jokes.

Maybe the region’s pioneers were onto something, with their one-name-fits-all monicker for white wading birds.

Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (2)

“In my youth 70 or more years ago, most wadin' birds were called ‘pond scoggins,’ usually with a very brief description,” according to Florida native Billy Murphyof LaBelle. “For instance,” he says in dialect, “They wuz a bunch a them great big ol' white pond scoggins in that little ol' pond down by our house yesterday."

Alva resident Beatrice Aney recalls her grandfather, Paul Styles, saying, “Your legs are whiter than a pond scoggins'."

To help tell all those scogginses apart, here’s a quick guide to Southwest Florida’s white birds. And while we didn’t write it in verse, we hope it’ll at least be a helpful start.

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White ibis (Eudocimus albus):

Length: 22 inches.

Wingspan: 38 inches.

Look for: Pink curved bill, long neck, pink curved bill and red legs. Juveniles are mottled brown.

Details: Highly sociable, ibis feed and roost in flocks and fly in V formation, necks extended. Other waders, including egrets and herons, will often follow in their path for a free meal. Both parents feed their young by regurgitation; although adults prefer a diet of saltwater crustaceans, especially crabs, they dine exclusively in fresh water when chicks arrive because saltwater edibles are toxic to their young.

Great egret (Ardea alba):

Length: 35 to 41 inches.

Wingspan: up to 50 inches.

Look for: Pointed yellow bill, long neck, black legs and feet. Sometimes confused with juvenile great blue herons, which are larger and have green legs.

Details: Once known both as the great white heron and American egret, Jackson says. Usually feeds alone in fresh or salt marshes.

Snowy egret (Egretta thula):

Length: 24 inches.

Wingspan: 38 inches.

Look for: Black bill, black legs and yellow feet, which has earned them the nickname “golden slippers.” Distinguished from great egret by smaller size and distinctive white plume.

Details: In the early 19th century, the snowy egret was hunted to near extinction for its distinctive plumes, which were popular in women's hats.

Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (4)

Wood stork (Mycteria Americana):

Length: 35 to 45 inches.

Wingspan: 66 inches.

Look for: Thick gray bill with downward curve at the tip, gray, naked head and neck,gray legs and feet, black flight feathers and tail.

Details: A very slow, stalking feeder, the wood stork really excels in the air, where it can often be seen soaring in circles at very high altitude. Their enormous nesting colonies have been known to number up to 10,000 pairs; one prominent local rookery can be seen at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Naples.

American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos):

Length: 62 inches.

Wingspan: 8 feet.

Look for: Orange bill and pouch, short orange legs and webbed feet.

Details: The American white pelican differs from its more common brown cousin in several ways: It does not plunge into the water from the air but feeds instead while swimming; it rests on sandbars rather than in trees, and it will soar in circles high in the sky on afternoon thermals.

Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (5)

Cattle egret. (Bubulcus ibis):

Length: 17 inches.

Wingspan: 37 inches.

Look for: Pointed orangey yellow bill, yellow legs and feet (though to confuse things, juveniles havedarklegs and bills.

Look for: Much smaller than the other egrets in Florida, this adaptable little bird can indeed be found placidly riding cows, picking off insects as they land. That's a carryover from their African origins, says Jackson, wherethey hangout around large grazing mammalslike water buffalo and things like that. "The large mammals were essentially beaters," Jackson says, "walking through the grass to munch on the grass, and when they walked, they would stir up insects and the insects would jump and the cattle egrets would get them." In these parts, they also follow lawn mowers, snatching stirred-up bugs, (that is, when they're nothanging out at fast-food restaurants looking for a free meal).

Little blue heron (Egretta caerulea):

Length: 24 inches.

Wingspan: 40 inches.

Look for: Two-toned gray bill, pale greenish yellow legs and feet.

Details: Wait, what? Doesn’t their name say they’re blue? Well, yes, but only once they’re grown up. As juveniles, they are indeed white, making them tricky to ID, says veteran birder and photographer Geoff Coe, who adds this tidbit: “Do you know why they're white in their first year? Recent studies suggest that the white plumage makes them more easily accepted by snowy egrets, who are quite feisty when protecting their favored fishing spots. Because snowies are such aggressive feeders, and more efficient than little blues at finding prey,being able to tag along the youngsters survive their first year.”

— Sources: Dr. Jerry Jackson, The News-Press archives, Cornell Library of Ornithology, Birds of North America Online

Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart (2024)


Ibis or egret? How to tell Southwest Florida's white birds apart? ›

Adult. Great Egrets are large white birds, but they lack the White Ibis's long, curved red bill.

How can you tell the difference between an ibis and an egret? ›

Adult. Great Egrets are large white birds, but they lack the White Ibis's long, curved red bill.

How do you identify an egret in Florida? ›

The reddish egret has both a dark and white morph (variation in appearance). The dark morph is more common and has a grayish-brown body, with a reddish head and neck. The white morph has a mostly white body, head and neck ,and both dark and white morphs have dark blue legs and feet and a pink bill with a black tip.

What is the difference between white and egret? ›

White forms of Great Blue Herons look similar to Great Egrets but they are larger with a heftier bill. Great Blues also have head plumes (not always visible) that Great Egrets don't have.

What are the white egrets in Florida? ›

SIZE & APPEARANCE. Most egrets have white or buff-colored plumage and grow lengthy, distinctive, fine plumes for mating season. They are long-legged, wading birds with long necks, slender bodies, and dagger-like bills. Their tails are so short that they appear to be without any.

What is the white bird that looks like an egret? ›

While Little Egret is now relatively common, it can sometimes be confused at distance with a much rarer visitor - Great White Egret. This video also helps separate GW Egret from 'white' or leucistic Grey Herons.

How do you identify a white egret? ›

All feathers on Great Egrets are white. Their bills are yellowish-orange, and the legs black. Great Egrets wade in shallow water (both fresh and salt) to hunt fish, frogs, and other small aquatic animals. They typically stand still and watch for unsuspecting prey to pass by.

What is the white heron like bird in Florida? ›

Great egret (Ardea alba):

Look for: Pointed yellow bill, long neck, black legs and feet. Sometimes confused with juvenile great blue herons, which are larger and have green legs. Details: Once known both as the great white heron and American egret, Jackson says. Usually feeds alone in fresh or salt marshes.

How many types of egrets are there in Florida? ›

In Florida, there are six different heron species and four different egret species. The herons spotted locally include Great Blue Herons, Green Herons, Tricolored Herons, Little Blue Herons, and the Black-Crowned Night-Herons. The egrets that can be spotted here are Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, and Cattle Egrets.

What kind of ibis are in Florida? ›

American White Ibis and Scarlet Ibis

American White Ibises are long-legged wading birds that like to inhabit swampy, marshy areas and the beachfront close to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They belong to the family Threskiornithidae. They have long, down-curved orange bills.

How to tell egrets apart? ›

The Great Egret is a large bird, 101 cm long and weighing 950 g. It is only slightly smaller than the Great Blue or Grey Herons. It has all white plumage. Apart from size, it can be distinguished from other white egrets by its yellow bill and black legs and feet.

What is the tall skinny White bird in Florida? ›

Q. What is a tall white bird that you can commonly spot in Florida? A. The wood stork is a very tall white bird of the state, reaching heights of over 3 ft (0.9 m).

What does it mean when a White egret visits you? ›

Egrets are symbols of good fortune, purity, and grace. In many places, these big white birds also symbolize new beginnings and prosperity with new endeavors. In addition, these inspirational and eye-catching birds represent peace, balance, and the divine.

Is a white egret the same as a white heron? ›

The Great White Heron is thought by some to be a color morph of the Great Blue Heron, but others believe it is a unique species found only in South Florida and the Florida Keys. How to recognize them: They are identical to Great Egrets (white feathers, yellow bill), but they have yellow legs and feet instead of black.

Is a white egret a heron? ›

The name heron can be used to describe any member of the family Ardeidae – a large group of long-legged, long-necked birds typically found around water. This includes the birds we usually refer to as herons, egrets and bitterns. So all egrets are herons, but not all herons are egrets!

What is the difference between a heron and an egret in Florida? ›

One of several white members of the Ardeidae (Heron) family present in Florida the Great Egret is distinguished from the white morph of the Great Blue Heron by having black legs and feet, the Snowy Egret has a black bill and yellow feet and the Reddish Egret, (white morph) which has a black tipped bill and smaller ...

How do you identify an ibis? ›

Large, long-legged wading bird with a football-shaped body and a long, curved bill. Adults have white bodies, bright red legs, a bare patch of red skin around the eye, and a red bill.

What does an ibis look like? ›

Description: The adult has an all white body, a long, down-curved, red bill, long red legs, and black-tipped wings. Immature birds are shaped like the adult but have a brown back, dusky neck, and orange bill. Older birds can be mottled brown and white. Males and females look the same.

What is the difference between a snowy egret and a white ibis? ›

Similar in size to the snowy egret, the one major difference is the long curved bill of the white ibis. The juvenile ibis features darker colors.

What does a giant ibis look like? ›

Adults stand approximately 3 ft (1 m) tall, and have dark grey-brown plumage, with a dark hindcrown and nape. Wing-coverts are pale gray, with darker tips. They have light red legs, a long downward curving bill, and red eyes.

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