Male Vs. Female Molly Fish (What’s the Difference?) (2024)

Molly fish are a popular choice for aquariums, thanks to their bright colors and low-maintenance care requirements. They’re also peaceful and easygoing, which makes them a good option for beginners.

However, they often exhibit aggression if you keep only males and the number of females in the aquarium is too low. Indeed, in the latter case, these male mollies will harass females by using nipping and chasing behaviors, and this behavior gets worse when they are ready to mate.

Since mollies areschoolingfish, it’s important to get a group of at least six fish with the proper male-to-female ratio – the general rule of thumb is three females for every male. This will help reduce aggression and ensure that everyone gets along.

Moreover, discovering which are male and female is important if your intent is breeding.

In this post, you’ll learn some basic information that will help you determine the gender of molly fish. We also cover the obvious signs of pregnant molly fish.

Let’s get started.

Female Molly Fish Facts

Male Vs. Female Molly Fish (What’s the Difference?) (1)

For people who are new to keeping fish and considering choosing Molly fish as the first fish, here are some interesting facts about them. While if already learned these facts and you’re standing in the fish store thinking about purchasing some female molly fish, feel free to scroll down to the section on sexing Mollies.

Species Profile

Mollies are a member of a family of aquarium fish known as “live bearers.” The most common and widespread livebearers in the aquarium trade belong to the Poeciliidae family, including guppies, platies, Endler’s livebearer, mosquito fish, and swordtails.

Poecilia is one of the tribes of Poeciliidae. Nearly all species in Poecilia are called mollies, but two species: the popular guppy fish (P. reticulata) and the Endler’s livebearer (P. wingei), are excluded owing to their distinct body shapes.

As with all livebearers, female molly fish retain their eggs until they are fully formed, giving birth to live fry. This process is known as “ovoviviparous,” and it’s different from the more common method of reproduction in fish, which is “oviparity.”

Origin and Distribution

Mollies (Poecilia sp.) can be found from Southern America down into Central America, where they inhabit slow-moving fresh, brackish, and salt waters.

Due to the extremely variable coloration, mollies have been selectively bred in captivity for many years. As a result, many different color morphs and fin shapes are now available all over the world, including albino, black, dalmatian, lace, marble, gold dust, and lyretail.

Colors and Markings

Virtually most popular ‘fancy’ molly varieties are hybrids. As we mentioned, mollie species have been selectively bred for centuries. Here are many beautiful and common hybrid mollies in the trade.

  • Solid Black mollies – Completely black— body, fins, eyes.
  • Dalmatian mollies – Colored like a Dalmatian dog
  • Lyretail mollies – have a lyre-shaped caudal fin
  • Balloon Mollies – have a round and bulbous shape
  • Sailfin Mollies – develop a taller dorsal fin
  • Amazon Mollies – is for all practical purposes female


In nature, mollies primarily feed on algae and other plant-based food, so you must offer lots of spirulina and blanched vegetables like zucchini, lettuce, and spinach. They will also accept several aquatic invertebrates as snacks, such as frozen worms, daphnia, and brine shrimp.

Author note: Mollies are not considered one of the best algae eaters among aquarists; they just like to snack on it.


The size of molly fish really depends on the specific species and environmental conditions. There are more than 40 described species currently included in the genus Poecilia. Some of the smaller species, like the Shortfin Molly (P. mexicana), grow to only about 3.2″ (8 cm), while the largest, Giant sailfin molly (P. velifera), can reach up to 7 inches (18 cm).


The typical lifespan of a molly fish is 3-5 years varying in species. The quality of care you provide will have a significant impact on how long your molly fish will live.

Tank Setup & Care

Despite the Mollies being hardy and highly adaptable, they are perhaps the most difficult livebearer to keep in a home aquarium. These delicate fish are susceptible to developing an ailment known as “shimmies” due to the poor water quality and stressful environment.

Shimmying in mollies and other livebearers, like boating in bettas, is not an aquarium disease but a compounding symptom caused by water conditions and stress.

Therefore, it is important to provide your mollies with a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places and good filtration, and regular water changes.

Here is a care sheet for the mollies. Depending on the species you get, you may need to make adjustments.

Male Vs. Female Molly Fish

Male Vs. Female Molly Fish (What’s the Difference?) (2)

Now, we have learned the basics about Molly fish, and let’s move on to the next step, which is learning how to distinguish between male and female mollies.

No matter what type of Molly fish you have — shortfin, sailfin, dalmatian, black, or Lyretail, juvenile mollies look pretty much the same. There is no effective way to tell the genders apart.

However, it’s fairly easy to tell the difference between mature male and female mollies.

Anal Fin

The easiest way to tell is by looking at their anal fin. Male mollies develop a modified long, thin “anal fin” instead of a normal anal fin, called a gonopodium, which is used to inseminate the female while mating. The female mollies have a round, broad, and fan-shaped anal fin.Additionally, females sometimes have a noticeable “gravid” spot, a dark area near the base of their anal fin that contains eggs during pregnancy.

Body Shape

Another way to tell the difference between male and female mollies is by looking at their body shape.Mature females usually look larger than males and have a more rounded belly, while males tend to be slimmer with a flatter belly.

Color Intensity

You can also determine the gender of molly fish by looking at the intensity of their colors. Male mollies tend to be more colorful than females, with brighter and more intense patterns and colors. This is especially true of these solid color varieties, like gold and black mollies.

On the other hand, the males take on elaborate colors on their elongated, flowing dorsal fins, which is not often seen on females.

Pregnant Female Molly Fish

Male Vs. Female Molly Fish (What’s the Difference?) (3)

There are several ways to identify a pregnant female molly fish. Some signs are more obvious than others, but you can usually tell if your female molly is pregnant by looking for the following symptoms:

A Swollen Belly

The most obvious sign of a pregnant female molly is a swollen belly. This is caused by the developing eggs inside the female’s body. Depending on how far along she is in her pregnancy, her belly may be only slightly swollen or extremely bloated.

Dark Gravid Spot

As the pregnancy progresses, you may also notice a dark gravid spot near the base of her anal fin. This is where the eggs are contained and will be released when she gives birth.

Behavioral Changes

Pregnant females may also exhibit some behavioral changes, such as being more aggressive or territorial, as well as becoming more reclusive and hiding more often.

Eat More

They will also eat more food than usual as their body is working hard to produce the eggs. Therefore, you may need to increase the amount of food accordingly.

Seek Warmth

Since the fry (baby fish) develop better in warm water, pregnant mollies will often seek out the warmest waters in the aquarium, such as the heater or surface of the water. They prefer to stay there during their pregnancy.


Do Mollies Change Gender?

Mollies do not change gender. However, if a male molly is stressed, he may become less colorful and take on the appearance of dull or gray.

Are female molly fish aggressive?

Female mollies are not naturally aggressive but may become more aggressive when pregnant as they become more territorial.

Where to buy female molly fish?

You can buy female molly fish from your local pet store or online retailers. Females are generally inexpensive.


Distinct differences exist between male and female mollies, most notably in their anal fins and body shape. Additionally, males tend to be more colorful than females, while females may have a gravid spot near the base of their anal fin when pregnant.

If mollies appeal to you, remember that they are social fish that do best in groups. It’s a good idea to have at least six individuals with at least three females for every male. This will help keep the females from harassing the males too much.

If you have any lingering questions about sexing molly fish, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Male Vs. Female Molly Fish (What’s the Difference?) (2024)


What's the difference between a male and female molly? ›

Males are more torpedo-shaped and have bigger fins than females. The males also have pointed gonopodia, modified anal fins they use to mate with females. Dominant male mollies intensify in color and grow larger fins to produce a mating show for females or to show dominance to other males.

Are female mollies bigger than males? ›

Male molly fish tend to be smaller than females. They are easily recognizable by their long, specialized anal fin that is used to deposit eggs in females. Males of fancy species, such as sailfin mollies or lyretail mollies, have longer, more elaborate fins that give each variation its name.

How can you tell a male or female fish? ›

You can determine the sex of your fish by inspecting its gonads (reproductive organs), which are located towards the top of the gut cavity. Mature female fish will have orange ovaries and male fish will have white testes (see photos above).

Can mollies change from female to male? ›

Mollies are not able to change gender. The gender of these fish is determined by their genetics so it is impossible for them to change sex

change sex
Sex change is a process by which a living being changes sex – that is, by which female sexual characteristics are substituted for male ones or vice versa. Sex change may occur naturally, as in the case of the sequential hermaphroditism observed in some species. › wiki › Sex_change
. Your mollies might appear female at the beginning but they will get a male outward appearance as they mature.

How many mollies should you keep together? ›

At least three or four mollies should be kept together. Mollies are shoaling

Any group of fish that stays together for social reasons is said to be shoaling, and if the shoal is swimming in the same direction together, it is schooling. › wiki › Shoaling_and_schooling
fish, which means they're more comfortable living with fish of the same species. While you should keep several mollies together, be sure not to overcrowd the tank.

Can I keep all female mollies? ›

Keep in mind that male mollies are known to harass and stress females. To prevent aggressive behavior, a shoal

Any group of fish that stays together for social reasons is said to be shoaling, and if the shoal is swimming in the same direction together, it is schooling. › wiki › Shoaling_and_schooling
should thus be dominated by females. Hence, it's extremely important to consider the two sexes when setting up your fish tank. We recommend a ratio of three females to one male.

Can I keep two male mollies together? ›

More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank. It is recommended that only one male molly be kept in a tank since males will fight with each other to establish a dominant alpha fish.

How many babies do mollies have? ›

Gestation and Birth

Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days. They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry.

How long is a molly fish pregnant? ›

For how long are molly fish pregnant? Pregnant molly fish have a gestation period of 45 to 60 days.

Why are my fish chasing each other? ›

Fish chase each other for a variety of reasons, such as defending their territory, establishing dominance, competing for food, and mating. Even fish that are typically docile fish may chase others because of constant stress. This could be due to incompatible tank mates, poor water conditions, or an overcrowded tank.

What is male fish called? ›

A female fish does not have a specific name, male and female fish are both just called fish. However, around 500 species of fish are able to change their gender during their later life after birth.

Do fishes sleep? ›

While fish do not sleep in the same way that land mammals sleep, most fish do rest. Research shows that fish may reduce their activity and metabolism while remaining alert to danger. Some fish float in place, some wedge themselves into a secure spot in the mud or coral, and some even locate a suitable nest.

Do male molly give birth? ›

Mollies do not lay eggs like other fish breeds. Instead, they give birth to live fish. Male mollies fertilize the eggs when they are in the female's belly. The female molly can store sperm and continue giving birth without having to mate.

Can guppies change gender? ›

To dispel misinformation and myths once and for all, guppies

guppie (plural guppies) A high earning gay person living in a major urban area, especially a male quotations ▼ › wiki › guppie
cannot change sex
change sex
Sex change is a process by which a living being changes sex – that is, by which female sexual characteristics are substituted for male ones or vice versa. Sex change may occur naturally, as in the case of the sequential hermaphroditism observed in some species. › wiki › Sex_change
and are not hermaphrodites. Females need males to fertilize their eggs and produce offspring, but they will also store the males' sperm several months for when males are not available.

Can you keep 1 molly? ›

Yes, a single Molly Fish can live alone as long as she has all that she needs: clean water, good food, and enough space to swim and play in. Please don't forget though, that she will be happier with tank mates—whether fellow Mollies or other compatible fish.

Can I put 4 mollies in a 10-gallon tank? ›

Mollies need at least 10 gallons of tank space. For each additional molly in the tank, you will want to have an additional 5+ gallons of tank space. As Mollies are schooling fish, a 10-gallon tank would be too small and we would recommend a 20-30 gallon tank to house three Mollies (such as Sailfin Mollies).

How big can a molly get? ›

Adult mollies reach up to 4.5 inches in length. Female molly fish grow bigger than male mollies — males grow to around 3.5 inches in length. Males are skinnier than females too, while females have rounder abdomens.

Can you keep 2 female mollies together? ›

No, you can't keep just two mollies. Mollies are shoaling fish, which means they seek safety and comfort in numbers. Even though keeping a pair of mollies is better than keeping only a single molly, it's not enough. Mollies are more comfortable when they live in a larger group of at least three or four fish.

Can you mix mollies? ›

Albeit there being several varieties of molly fish, they all can be mated because regardless of the color or fin configuration, they are the same species, and any male will readily fertilize with all females.

How long do mollies live for? ›

The short answer is that mollies live for about 5 years. However, there are many factors that determine their lifespan such as diet, tank conditions, genetics, and so much more. These will be discussed in this article. Let's find out more about the beautiful Molly fish!

Do mollies bite? ›

Male mollies especially love nipping the fins

Noun. perája f (Cyrillic spelling пера́ја) fin, flipper (appendage of a fish) swim fin, flipper (finlike swimming accessories worn on the feet) › wiki › peraja
of other males to establish their dominance and defend their territory. Mollie fish also tend to nip at other fish with large, flowing fins. Unfortunately, there are no definite ways to stop your mollies from fin-biting.

Why do my mollies keep chasing each other? ›

The reason mollies are fighting and chasing each other around the tank is all down to mating behavior. The fighting you are seeing is males either chasing females or sparing with other males. Having the male to female ratio correct will help solve the problem.

Why is my male molly chasing the pregnant female? ›

Aquarists can tell their fish are ready to breed once the males start chasing the females to breed. This chasing maneuver may seem like aggression to newbies, but it's a signal that the fish are ready to mate.

Do baby mollies change color? ›

Molly fries can be any color they want to be. Normally, they are close to the colors of the parents. Fries are dark grey but as they are growing and getting older, they will start changing color. And, before you know it, you have a colorful tank full of mollies.

What is the price of molly fish? ›

Black Molly Fishes at Rs 15/piece | Black Molly Fish in Kolkata | ID: 19788245912.

How fast do molly fish grow? ›

The Molly fish will take around 3 to 4 months to grow to their full size, and, in part, this will depend on their water conditions, diet, and more. With good care, it should take no longer than 4 months for a molly fish to grow to full size.

Are molly fish easy to breed? ›

For the most part, mollies are very easy to breed. A single female can produce over one hundred baby mollies, also called fry, in one live birth. They also come in a variety of colors, and work well with a wide community of other fish. Prepare your tank and yourself beforehand, and breeding mollies should be a breeze.

How does a pregnant molly fish look? ›

One of the most obvious signs that your Molly is pregnant is if she is looking a bit more chubby around her abdomen area than usual. You'll notice rounding when she is close to giving birth. It's necessary to move the Molly to a separate tank to allow her to give birth in peace and to protect her babies.

How can you tell if a molly is pregnant? ›

  1. Watch for any behavioral changes in your female molly fish. Some of the changes in behavior are that she may move slower in the water, stay away from other fish and eat more.
  2. Note if a dark triangular spot has appeared near the anal vent.
  3. Look for the stomach to change. ...
  4. View your molly fish throughout the pregnancy.

How many mollies Can I put in a 10 gallon tank? ›

You can put three mollies in a 10-gallon tank. As a general rule, an inch of fish requires one gallon of water. In captivity, mollies usually grow to be 3–4.5 inches long, so each fish will need around three gallons of water to swim freely.

How many mollies Can I put in a 20 gallon tank? ›

The average molly fish will grow to a size of 3 inches. Keeping three female mollies and one male molly fish together is the best option in a 20-gallon tank.

How long are molly fish pregnant for? ›

Mollies 50-70 days.

How long do mollies live for? ›

The short answer is that mollies live for about 5 years. However, there are many factors that determine their lifespan such as diet, tank conditions, genetics, and so much more. These will be discussed in this article. Let's find out more about the beautiful Molly fish!

What color light is best for molly fish? ›


This is our go-to spectrum and we HIGHLY recommend this spectrum for most freshwater aquariums

freshwater aquariums
A freshwater aquarium is a receptacle that holds one or more freshwater aquatic organisms for decorative, pet-keeping, or research purposes. Modern aquariums are most often made from transparent glass or acrylic glass. › wiki › Freshwater_aquarium
. Nothing brings out the vivid colors and enhances your tank like a full, rich RGB (Red,Green,Blue) spectrum of light. It not only makes your fish pop in color, it also won't promote algae growth.

How long does it take for mollies to grow to full size? ›

The Molly fish will take around 3 to 4 months to grow to their full size, and, in part, this will depend on their water conditions, diet, and more. With good care, it should take no longer than 4 months for a molly fish to grow to full size.

Can you mix mollies? ›

Albeit there being several varieties of molly fish, they all can be mated because regardless of the color or fin configuration, they are the same species, and any male will readily fertilize with all females.

Do molly fish need air bubbles? ›

Naturally occurring bubbles from filtration are not enough, so an air pump or air stone is necessary. Pump-generated bubbles aerate your aquarium, providing your mollies with breathable oxygen. These bubbles also help minimize water maintenance by aiding filtration.

How often should I feed my mollies? ›

Offer your mollies a small amount of food once or two times a day. Besides moderation, variety is another key element in feeding molly fish. Since these fish are omnivores, they require a variety of foods and a balanced diet to stay healthy. From commercial foods to live foods, mollies will eat anything.

Can I keep all male mollies? ›

More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank. It is recommended that only one male molly be kept in a tank since males will fight with each other to establish a dominant alpha fish.

How many babies can a molly have? ›

Gestation and Birth

Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days. They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry. Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry.

Can molly fish give birth without male? ›

The female can store the sperm of the male for months, which means that she'll be able to give birth multiple times even if no males are present in the tank. The female molly stores the fertilized eggs inside her body until they hatch and only then does she release the fry into the tank.

Do mollies give birth all at once? ›

Many mollies can actually store sperms for months at a time, fertilizing their eggs themselves every 30 days. They can birth anywhere between 20 and 100 fry

alevin (plural alevins) Newly hatched fish, especially salmon. › wiki › alevin
at a time.

What is the best food for molly fish? ›

Their favorite frozen foods are bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp. They will also greedily accept any live foods that you can find to feed to them, with live blackworms, bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimp being special favorites.

What size tank does a molly need? ›

Most molly fish can live happily in a tank size as small as 10 gallons. That tank size recommendation is suitable enough for up to four mollies, although a larger tank is always appreciated if you have some extra space. For a larger group, you need to bump up the tank size by at least three gallons of volume per fish.

What vegetables do mollies eat? ›

You can also microwave peas for 1 minute, peel off the outer shells, and drop them into your molly's tank. If you want to feed your molly fish tougher vegetables like zucchini, squash, and broccoli stalks, blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute first so they're soft enough for your fish to munch on.

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