Reflective Sentence Starters | Reflective Sentence Frames (2024)

Students who are new or are inexperienced with reflective writing needsupport! When reflecting, analyzing thoughts, and responding to questions or writing, it easier to start the reflective writing process with sentence frames. Below are 70+ samples of reflective sentence starters/frames.

  1. I wonder,…
  2. I discovered,...
  3. I ponder,…
  4. I think,…
  5. I learned,…
  6. I've reflected on,...
  7. After further reflection I,...
  8. What I thought (believed) was wrong,...
  9. My imagination was on fire after,...
  10. I know my understanding is,...
  11. My mind was changed after reading,...
  12. I have considered many ideas/thoughts/facts,…
  13. How did/do I feel after learning/ reading,…
  14. What would I say about,…
  15. If given a chance to speak publicly,.... I would,…
  16. I have two/three takeaways afterlearning/ reading,…
  17. For me the most important/interesting idea/issue/fact was,…
  18. A fewsuggestions that I will give myself,…
  19. I have improved my understanding of,…
  20. Havinglearnedabout,… I feel/ know/ question/ think/ wonder/ understand/ doubt/ felt/realized,…
  21. Because I do not fully comprehend I will need to,…
  22. Mycomprehension/ understanding/ knowledge was expanded after/ when I,…
  23. This knowledge could beessentialfor me in my,…
  24. Previously I thought (did not think),…
  25. My new understanding of,…began after I…
  26. I have developed a deep appreciation for,…
  27. Initially, Iquestionedmy understanding about,…
  28. Having learned/ studied/ read I know feel/ think/ know/ realize/ wonder/ question/ know,…
  29. Initially, I never questioned,…
  30. This new insight/knowledge/understanding is essential for mebecause,…
  31. Afterresearchingthe important facts, I was surprised by,…
  32. This makes me feel,…
  33. For me, I am not yet certain about...
  34. Thesignificant/relevant/poignant/importantfor me was,…
  35. What I discovered today is,…
  36. I've cogitated and digested many ideas on,…
  37. I've deliberated on many issues,…
  38. I've found a new way to look at this,…
  39. I see somethings in a new light,…
  40. What I never considered before was,…
  41. What I was hoping to learn/discover/uncover is...
  42. I recently figured out why/how/who,…
  43. I waschallengedwhen,…
  44. How I changed my mind and my stars (future) was,…?
  45. I slowly changed my mind about,…
  46. I have some pretty strange notions about,…
  47. I know a little about,…
  48. It might becrazyto think,…
  49. I learned that...
  50. More often than not I …
  51. A different idea I have on,…
  52. A few interesting things I've learned,…
  53. Today, I was inspired to,…
  54. I’ve discovered that,…
  55. There are many/different ways to look at,…
  56. After carefuldeliberation,…
  57. What I like about,…
  58. I know there’s
  59. I’ve reflected on,....
  60. There is one thing thatintriguesme about…
  61. I’m thoroughly impressed with …
  62. What I thought is,…
  63. If we really want to make a difference then …
  64. I have an exciting announcement …
  65. There are many proven strategies that I …
  66. I thought it would be interesting to share …
  67. I now know that...
  68. An interesting thing that I discovered…
  69. The more I read/researched/studied the more Irealizethat …
  70. I am really intrigued to know/learn that …
  71. When ‘fishing for ideas’ I tend to …
  72. Wow! Sometimes the truth hurts because I…

Reflection Sentence Vocabulary!

Bill and Ted Reflective Sentence Starters
Learning is a most excellent way too,…
Whoa,... that is/was bodacious,…
Dude,... this is a most excellent/bodaciousissues/ ideas/ facts
Nothing is as bodacious as what I just learned,…

The most common types of sentence starters used in academic writing:

- Introducing an argument: Furthermore, evidence shows; In addition, one must consider; Moreover, recent research indicates that...

- Showing contrast: However, some argue; On the other hand, contradicting information suggests; Nevertheless, many experts disagree that...

- Giving examples: For instance, one example is; To illustrate, we can look to the case of; Specifically, data shows this trend in...

- Stating cause/effect: Therefore, the data leads to; As a result, experts have observed; Because of these conditions, we can expect...

- Expressing similarity: Similarly, this case also demonstrates; In the same way, analogous processes occurred; Correspondingly, consistent patterns emerged...

- Referring to a source: According to [name],; As demonstrated in [name]'s experiment,; Supported by [name]'s evidence...

- Showing agreement: Clearly, these results validate; Of course, this confirms; There is no doubt that the statistics prove...

- Showing doubt: Unlikely, this claim rests on; Dubious, the evidence barely supports; Questionable, this conclusion exceeds...

- Drawing conclusions: In conclusion, the evidence points to; Ultimately, the data leads us to; Therefore, we can determine...

- Introducing an idea: Regarding this new concept; Turning to another issue; In terms of this alternative...

- Clarifying ideas: To clarify, this means; In other words, the essence is; Simply stated, the principle centers on...

Reflective Sentence Starters | Reflective Sentence Frames (2024)


What is a good sentence starter for a reflection? ›

Today I discovered… What surprised me today was… Today's lesson made me feel __ because… For me, the most important fact was…

How do you start the first sentence of a reflective essay? ›

To start a reflection paper, begin with an introduction that introduces the topic or experience you will be reflecting on. You can start with a brief summary or description to provide context for your reflections.

What is a simple sentence for reflective? ›

the reflective glare of the shiny metal She was in a very reflective mood.

What is a good beginning sentence starter? ›

A good sentence starter is one that easily indicates what the tone and layout of the paragraph is going to be. If the paragraph is going to be a compare and contrast style of content, then it should begin with words like 'on the other hand'.

What are the 4 R's of reflective writing? ›

The 5R framework for reflection will guide you through Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning, and Reconstructing to make sense of a learning experience.

How do you start a reflective essay example? ›

A reflection paper's introduction specifies the topic, identifies the points it'll cover, and gives your thesis statement. In a reflection paper, your thesis can state what you came away with but in thought-provoking terms. Example: I've always associated a day at the zoo with an outing away from home for children.

What is a short sentence for reflection? ›

reflection noun (IMAGE)

She was looking at her reflection in the mirror. She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight. She checked her reflection in the mirror. She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror on the door.

What is an example of reflective writing? ›

Example: Write a letter to a character in a book you recently read. In the letter, explain your thoughts about the character's role and ask at least two questions directed to the character about their behavior in the story. The act of reflecting, requires analyzing a problem or topic and sharing feelings.

What is the first paragraph in reflection? ›

The first part of your reflection paper should briefly provide background and context in relation to the content or experiences that stood out to you. Highlight the settings, summarize the key readings, or narrate the experiences in relation to the course objectives.

What are 5 examples of reflection? ›

Mirrors: Mirrors reflect light to form an image of an object. Glass surfaces: Windows, eyeglasses, and similar glass surfaces reflect light. Water: Light reflects off of still water, such as pools or lakes. Shiny objects: Shiny objects such as metal, silverware, and jewelry reflect light.

What is a reflective response example? ›

Generally, this type of reflective response uses a 'because' or 'when' formula. The following demonstrates this: "You feel angry because you were left out of the group." "You feel sad when you aren't included in the group."

How do you start an introduction for a reflection? ›

Your introductory paragraph contains the purpose and topic of the paper. It contains your thesis statement and gives readers insight into your position regarding the topic. Your introduction can also include a summary of the article, book, or experience the paper analyses.

What should a reflection start with? ›

The first part of your reflection paper should briefly provide background and context in relation to the content or experiences that stood out to you.

What is a sentence example for reflection? ›

reflection noun (IMAGE)

She was looking at her reflection in the mirror. She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight. She checked her reflection in the mirror. She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror on the door.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.