What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (2024)

When it comes to personal safety and property protection at night, porch lights are essential. Some of us do it out of custom or common sense, but do we really know what it means? Let’s quickly dive into what we've discovered about porch lights!

Leaving the porch light on signals to others that people are home at night. Experts agree that doing this deters burglars who typically look for unoccupied homes. Porch lights also act as safety devices that illuminate the front door. This allows you to see who is at the door and provides illumination while trying to get into your home.

Further in this topic, we will discuss in detail the ins and outs of porch lights. This will cover the colors, bulb types, electricity costs, and more. This is going to be very informative, hold tight!

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (1)

What does a porch light symbolize?

You'll notice that porch lights aren't all the same color, and nowadays, some people are opting for colorful lights over white lights. Its symbolism depends on what color it illuminates.

It's also a good idea to become familiar with them so you'll know which color to use and what to do when you encounter one. Here’s what they mean:

  • Blue: Autism awareness and showing support to Police Officers
  • Green: Celebrating Veterans and a Symbol of Lyme Disease
  • Red: Supporting the American Heart Association
  • Purple: Domestic Violence Awareness
  • Orange: Halloween and Light Up Delphi Movement
  • Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Yellow: Driving away insects

To get more in-depth details about the meaning of porch light colors, read "What Does The Color Of A Porch Light Mean?"

Does leaving a light on at night deter burglars?

Burglars are deterred by the light because they think the house is occupied. Therefore, they are less likely to target your home.

According to a study conducted by the New York Scientific Research Crime Lab team in 2018, homes with outdoor lighting were 7% less likely to be the victims of a crime than homes without outdoor lighting, and outdoor lighting also contributed to a 39% reduction in crime rates.

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (2)

But simply turning on the porch light does not guarantee safety.

Thieves might scout your house several times before attempting to rob you. They'll be looking for patterns and behaviors that indicate when there's a chance to break into the house, and one of them could be paying attention to how and when the porch lights are turned on.

So, porch lights are most effective when used at the correct time and in conjunction with other security measures, like a motion sensor light. This signals that something unusual is happening and attracts more attention causing panic for the burglar. If you employ this strategy, you'll feel safer and more secure at home and while away at work or on vacation.

Should I leave my porch light on at night?

You probably turn on the porch light to keep your family and home secure. But many people have developed bad habits, turning them on when they shouldn't and leaving them on for far too long.

It is fine to leave your porch light on throughout the evening if you are at home and the indoor lights are on. Leaving a light on when you go out for the evening, when you expect visitors or deliveries at night, or when a family member is coming back home late is also generally a good idea. It helps to see in the dark, making it easier to navigate and unlock the door.

However, when you are on a trip and leave the porch light on, this is not a particularly good idea because it will shine all day, proclaiming that there was no one at home to turn it off at daybreak.

How long is it safe to leave lights on?

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (3)

It's impossible to say how long a porch light should be left on before it becomes unsafe. This is dependent on several factors, like the type of bulb used, its quality, the ambient temperature, and of course the signals you want to send from your porch light habits.

Bulb Types for Porch Lighting

LED (Light-emitting diode)

These bulbs produce less heat and are 90% more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Although they are among the most expensive, they last far longer and use much less energy.


They are less energy-efficient than LED bulbs but they burn brighter, making them suitable for floodlights and security lighting.


This is the cheapest option but the most inefficient because the money you save from buying it will quickly be wasted due to energy usage.

HID (high-intensity discharge)

Bulbs that are very bright and can cover a bigger area than LED or incandescent bulbs.

CFL (compact fluorescent lamp)

They are long-lasting and energy-efficient, but their unusual design makes them unsuitable for installations with visible bulbs. These bulbs take around a minute to achieve full brightness after the switch is turned on. They also contain mercury, which is potentially dangerous if the bulb breaks.

Conventional types of bulbs produce more heat, such as incandescent bulbs that emit 90% heat and only 10% light. That's a lot of heat, and the longer you leave the bulbs on, the hotter they get. This could result in overheating and possibly fire because their internal components are likely to be damaged or melted.

If the bulbs are in enclosed fixtures, the risk is increased because it does not allow proper airflow, or a higher watt bulb is used in a lower watt light fixture. As a result, conventional bulbs should not be left on permanently or for long periods.

How much does it cost to keep a porch light on all night?

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (4)

According to the U.S. EIA (Energy Information Administration), the average national electricity cost in the year 2022 is about 11 cents per kilowatt-hour. To figure out how much you're spending on lighting the porch light, multiply the average cost of electricity by the wattage of your light bulb and the number of hours you leave it on.

A porch light typically runs at about 0.72 kWh of energy for the night. Assuming you have a 60-watt bulb turned on for 12 hours, (60x12/1000) multiplied by the cost of $0.11/kWh, you will end up with a nightly cost of $0.0792 or $2.38 a month.

Final thoughts

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (5)

What does leaving the porch light on mean? Understanding this topic is important in today's society. It’s our due diligence to keep ourselves and our families safe as much as feasibly possible. It’s best to reduce danger than to invite it. Leaving the porch light on is accepted as the most commonly used method to deter burglars. Stay safe and healthy always.

For more great tips, check out: "How Far From A Door Should A Porch Light Be?"

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics, including porch lights and their significance. I can assure you that the information I provide is based on a combination of general knowledge and search results from reputable sources. Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you shared.

Porch Lights and Their Significance

Porch lights play a crucial role in personal safety and property protection at night. They serve multiple purposes, including deterring burglars and providing illumination for the front door. By leaving the porch light on, you signal to others that people are home at night, which can discourage potential burglars who typically target unoccupied homes [[1]].

Porch Light Colors and Their Meanings

Porch lights come in various colors, and the color choice can carry symbolic meanings. Here are some common porch light colors and their associated meanings:

  • Blue: Symbolizes autism awareness and support for police officers.
  • Green: Represents celebration of veterans and serves as a symbol of Lyme disease.
  • Red: Supports the American Heart Association.
  • Purple: Raises awareness about domestic violence.
  • Orange: Associated with Halloween and the Light Up Delphi Movement.
  • Pink: Represents breast cancer awareness.
  • Yellow: Helps drive away insects.

These colors allow individuals to express support for specific causes or events through their porch lights [[2]].

Effectiveness of Porch Lights in Deterring Burglars

Leaving a light on at night can indeed deter burglars. Studies have shown that homes with outdoor lighting are less likely to be targeted by criminals. According to a study conducted by the New York Scientific Research Crime Lab team in 2018, homes with outdoor lighting were 7% less likely to be victims of a crime compared to homes without outdoor lighting. Additionally, outdoor lighting contributed to a 39% reduction in crime rates [[3]].

However, it's important to note that simply turning on the porch light does not guarantee safety. Burglars may observe a house multiple times before attempting a break-in, paying attention to patterns and behaviors, including porch light usage. To enhance the effectiveness of porch lights, it is recommended to use them at the correct time and in conjunction with other security measures, such as motion sensor lights [[3]].

Leaving Porch Lights On and Safety Considerations

Leaving the porch light on can be a good idea in certain situations. It is generally fine to leave the porch light on throughout the evening if you are at home and the indoor lights are on. It can also be beneficial to leave the porch light on when you go out for the evening, expect visitors or deliveries at night, or when a family member is returning home late. In these cases, the porch light helps with visibility and makes it easier to navigate and unlock the door [[4]].

However, leaving the porch light on all day when you are on a trip is not recommended. This can signal that there is no one at home, potentially attracting unwanted attention. It is important to consider the duration and purpose of leaving the porch light on to ensure optimal safety and energy efficiency [[4]].

Bulb Types for Porch Lighting

Different types of bulbs are commonly used for porch lighting, each with its own characteristics. Here are some common types:

  • LED (Light-emitting diode): LED bulbs are energy-efficient, produce less heat, and have a longer lifespan compared to incandescent bulbs. They are among the most expensive options but offer significant energy savings in the long run [[5]].
  • Halogen: Halogen bulbs are less energy-efficient than LED bulbs but provide brighter illumination. They are often used for floodlights and security lighting [[5]].
  • Incandescent: Incandescent bulbs are the cheapest option but are the least energy-efficient. They emit more heat and consume more energy compared to LED bulbs [[5]].
  • HID (high-intensity discharge): HID bulbs are very bright and can cover a larger area than LED or incandescent bulbs [[5]].
  • CFL (compact fluorescent lamp): CFL bulbs are long-lasting and energy-efficient. However, they have a slower warm-up time and contain mercury, which requires proper disposal if the bulb breaks [[5]].

When choosing a bulb for porch lighting, it is important to consider factors such as energy efficiency, brightness, and the specific requirements of your lighting setup.

Cost of Leaving Porch Lights On

The cost of leaving a porch light on all night depends on factors such as the wattage of the bulb and the cost of electricity. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average national electricity cost in 2022 was around 11 cents per kilowatt-hour [[6]].

To estimate the cost, you can multiply the average cost of electricity by the wattage of your light bulb and the number of hours you leave it on. For example, if you have a 60-watt bulb turned on for 12 hours, the nightly cost would be approximately $0.0792, or $2.38 per month [[6]].


Understanding the significance of porch lights and their proper usage can contribute to personal safety and property protection. Porch lights can deter burglars and provide visibility at the front door. It's important to consider factors such as the color of the porch light, the timing of usage, and the type of bulb to maximize their effectiveness. Remember to balance safety considerations with energy efficiency when deciding whether to leave porch lights on for extended periods.

For more information and tips on porch lighting, you can refer to the article "How Far From A Door Should A Porch Light Be?".

Stay safe and secure!

What Does Leaving The Porch Light On Mean? (2024)
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