What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (2024)

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (1)

10 fun riddles to stump your family and friends

Photo : iStock

Any time is a good time to riddle someone, including yourself. That's what Dads do anyway. Bet you always found yourself puzzled by these seemingly-difficult questions that sometimes answers themselves.

Now's the time to stump your family and friends with some cool riddles.

Try out these 10 fun riddles.

Riddle 1:

What has to be broken before you can use it?

Answer: An egg.

Riddle 2: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Answer: A stamp.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (3)

Riddle 3: What’s as big as an elephant but weighs 0 kg?

Answer: The elephant’s shadow.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (4)

Riddle 4: I weigh nothing, but you can still see me. If you put me in a bucket, I make the bucket lighter.

Answer: A hole.

Riddle 5: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Answer: Lunch and Dinner.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (6)

Riddle 6: What do Alexander The Great and Winnie The Pooh have in common?

Answer: Their middle name.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (7)

Riddle 7: Why can't the T-rex clap?

Answer: Because he’s extinct.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (8)

Riddle 8: During what month do people sleep the least?

Answer: February. It’s the shortest month.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (9)

Riddle 9: What gets wetter the more it dries?

Answer: A towel.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (10)

Riddle 10: Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?

Answer: Meat.

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (11)

How many could you get correct?

What has to be broken before you can use it? 10 best riddles that get a laugh every time (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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