Transmedia Storytelling 101 — Henry Jenkins (2024)

I designed this handout on transmedia storytelling to distribute to my students. More recently, I passed it out at a teaching workshop at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. I thought it might be of value to more of you out there in the community. Much of it builds on the discussion of that concept in Convergence Culture, though I have updated it to reflect some more recent developments in that space.For those who want to dig deeper still into this concept, check out the webcast version of the Transmedia Entertainment panel from the Futures of Entertainment Conference.

Transmedia Storytelling 101

1.Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story. So, for example, in The Matrix franchise, key bits of information are conveyed through three live action films, a series of animated shorts, two collections of comic book stories, and several video games. There is no one single source or ur-text where one can turn to gain all of the information needed to comprehend the Matrix universe.

2.Transmedia storytelling reflects the economics of media consolidation or what industry observers call "synergy." Modern media companies are horizontally integrated - that is, they hold interests across a range of what were once distinct media industries. A media conglomerate has an incentive to spread its brand or expand its franchises across as many different media platforms as possible. Consider, for example, the comic books published in advance of the release of such films as Batman Begins and Superman Returns by DC ( owned by Warner Brothers, the studio that released these films). These comics provided back-story which enhanced the viewer's experience of the film even as they also help to publicize the forthcoming release (thus blurring the line between marketing and entertainment). The current configuration of the entertainment industry makes transmedia expansion an economic imperative, yet the most gifted transmedia artists also surf these marketplace pressures to create a more expansive and immersive story than would have been possible otherwise.

3.Most often, transmedia stories are based not on individual characters or specific plots but rather complex fictional worlds which can sustain multiple interrelated characters and their stories. This process of world-building encourages an encyclopedic impulse in both readers and writers. We are drawn to master what can be known about a world which always expands beyond our grasp. This is a very different pleasure than we associate with the closure found in most classically constructed narratives, where we expect to leave the theatre knowing everything that is required to make sense of a particular story.

4.Extensions may serve a variety of different functions. For example, the BBC used radio dramas to maintain audience interest in Doctor Who during almost a decade during which no new television episodes were produced. The extension may provide insight into the characters and their motivations (as in the case of websites surrounding Dawson's Creek and Veronica Mars which reproduced the imaginary correspondence or journals of their feature characters), may flesh out aspects of the fictional world (as in the web version of the Daily Planet published each week by DC comics during the run of its 52 series to "report" on the events occurring across its superhero universe), or may bridge between events depicted in a series of sequels (as in the animated series - The Clone Wars - which was aired on the Cartoon Network to bridge over a lapse in time between Star Wars II and III). The extension may add a greater sense of realism to the fiction as a whole (as occurs when fake documents and time lines were produced for the website associated with The Blair Witch Project or in a different sense, the documentary films and cd-roms produced by James Cameron to provide historical context for Titanic).

5.Transmedia storytelling practices may expand the potential market for a property by creating different points of entry for different audience segments. So, for example, Marvel produces comic books which tell the Spider-man story in ways that they think will be particularly attractive to female (a romance comic, Mary Jane Loves Spiderman) or younger readers (coloring book or picture book versions of the classic comicbook stories ). Similarly, the strategy may work to draw viewers who are comfortable in a particular medium to experiment with alternative media platforms (as in the development of a Desperate Housewives game designed to attract older female consumers into gaming).

6.Ideally, each individual episode must be accessible on its own terms even as it makes a unique contribution to the narrative system as a whole. Game designer Neil Young coined the term, "additive comprehension," to refer to the ways that each new texts adds a new piece of information which forces us to revise our understanding of the fiction as a whole. His example was the addition of an image of an origami unicorn to the director's cut edition of Bladerunner, an element which raised questions about whether the protagonist might be a replicant. Transmedia producers have found it difficult to achieve the delicate balance between creating stories which make sense to first time viewers and building in elements which enhance the experience of people reading across multiple media.

7.Because transmedia storytelling requires a high degree of coordination across the different media sectors, it has so far worked best either in independent projects where the same artist shapes the story across all of the media involved or in projects where strong collaboration (or co-creation) is encouraged across the different divisions of the same company. Most media franchises, however, are governed not by co-creation (which involves conceiving the property in transmedia terms from the outset) but rather licensing (where the story originates in one media and subsequent media remain subordinate to the original master text.)

8.Transmedia storytelling is the ideal aesthetic form for an era of collective intelligence. Pierre Levy coined the term, collective intelligence, to refer to new social structures that enable the production and circulation of knowledge within a networked society. Participants pool information and tap each others expertise as they work together to solve problems. Levy argues that art in an age of collective intelligence functions as a cultural attractor, drawing together like-minded individuals to form new knowledge communities. Transmedia narratives also function as textual activators - setting into motion the production, assessment, and archiving information. The ABC television drama, Lost, for example, flashed a dense map in the midst of one second season episode: fans digitized a freeze-frame of the image and put it on the web where together they extrapolated about what it might reveal regarding the Hanso Corporation and its activities on the island. Transmedia storytelling expands what can be known about a particular fictional world while dispersing that information, insuring that no one consumer knows everything and insure that they must talk about the series with others (see, for example, the hundreds of different species featured in Pokemon or Yu-Gi-O). Consumers become hunters and gatherers moving back across the various narratives trying to stitch together a coherent picture from the dispersed information.

9.A transmedia text does not simply disperse information: it provides a set of roles and goals which readers can assume as they enact aspects of the story through their everyday life. We might see this performative dimension at play with the release of action figures which encourage children to construct their own stories about the fictional characters or costumes and role playing games which invite us to immerse ourselves in the world of the fiction. In the case of Star Wars, the Boba Fett action figure generated consumer interest in a character who had otherwise played a small role in the series, creating pressure for giving that character a larger plot function in future stories.

10.The encyclopedic ambitions of transmedia texts often results in what might be seen as gaps or excesses in the unfolding of the story: that is, they introduce potential plots which can not be fully told or extra details which hint at more than can be revealed. Readers, thus, have a strong incentive to continue to elaborate on these story elements, working them over through their speculations, until they take on a life of their own. Fan fiction can be seen as an unauthorized expansion of these media franchises into new directions which reflect the reader's desire to "fill in the gaps" they have discovered in the commercially produced material.

Transmedia Storytelling 101 — Henry Jenkins (2024)


What is transmedia storytelling According to Jenkins? ›

Jenkins defines transmedia storytelling as, "A process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. "

What are the 7 Principles of transmedia storytelling? ›

Jenkins then establishes his seven principles: Spreadability vs. Drillability, Continuity vs. Multiplicity, Immersion vs. Extractability, Worldbuilding, Seriality, Subjectivity and Performance.

What is an example of transmedia storytelling? ›

Transmedia storytelling in entertainment

Take Star Wars, for example. It started as a trilogy of movies released between 1977 and 1983, written by a single person. Now there are hundreds of products expanding the Star Wars story. The story coherency across multiple platforms is maintained by a group of writers.

What makes a good transmedia story? ›

Something that could make a story transmedia is to have depth in each of its aspects. When a story is deep, it allows you to analyze each part of it from a different perspective with different characters that one can create.

What is the purpose of transmedia storytelling? ›

1. Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.

How does transmedia storytelling work? ›

Transmedia storytelling is defined as a story that is told through various media and communication platforms. This content can be offered through blogs, videos, ebooks, social networks, movies, etc. All this content has a common thread, through which the consumer plays an active role.

What is transmedia learning? ›

Transmedia learning is the scalable system of messages representing a core experience that unfolds from the use of multiple media, emotionally engaging learners by involving them personally in the story.

What is continuity in transmedia? ›

Transmedia Storytelling: Continuity refers to the narrative coherence that audiences demand of transmedia stories, that ideally bind a narrative across media platforms to create a unified "canon" of texts.

What is transmedia navigation? ›

That's why our skill is transmedia navigation - the capacity to seek out, evaluate, and integrate information conveyed across multiple media. The push for transmedia is bound up with the economic logic of media consolidation. Yet, there is a push to transform this economic imperative into an aesthetic opportunity.

Is Harry Potter a transmedia? ›

Harry Potter is the epitome of transmedia storytelling because it comes across so many different platforms: book, film, video game, and website.

Who invented transmedia storytelling? ›

Transmedia storytelling, which was coined by Henry Jenkins, is described as a process where integral elements of a story are disseminated systematically across multiple channels in order to generate a uniform and synchronized entertainment experience [1].

What franchise is a good example of transmedia storytelling? ›

Many examples exist but the two most common ones are Harry Potter and Star Wars. The excitement of the two most well known franchises will be the foundation of the explanation of transmedia storytelling.

What are the elements of transmedia storytelling? ›

Video: 8 Elements of Transmedia
  • Telling a story.
  • Using a variety of story forms.
  • Across multiple media platforms.
  • Within a unified storyworld.
  • Encourages audience participation.
  • Embedded game mechanics.
  • A social experience.
  • Designed for multiple levels of engagement.
2 Jun 2013

How do you make transmedia storytelling? ›

4 Crucial Tips For Creating a Transmedia Story
  1. CREATE A STORY WORLD. “The Periodic Table of Storytelling” reveals the elements of telling a good story. ...
27 Jan 2015

Is Star Wars a transmedia? ›

As the other chapters in this collection attest, Star Wars is a prime example both of contemporary transmedia storytelling and of media franchising. The story and brand spread across multiple media platforms and textual commodities, driven by the ongoing battle between the forces of good and evil.

What is transmedia storytelling marketing? ›

What Is Transmedia Storytelling? Transmedia storytelling uses multiple media platforms to tell a narrative across time. Think of it as a puzzle, whether you're reading a comic book series, playing video games, using mobile apps, or watching films and television; each function as their very own standalone experience.

Is transmedia still a thing? ›

Transmedia storytelling originated in mainstream media such as novels, films and comic books, and it is still most commonly and expansively used in entertainment contexts.

What does a transmedia communication strategy approach mean? ›

Transmedia storytelling is how well a story is comprehended across media. An effective strategy of transmedia storytelling does not take a passive approach, instead engages with popular culture making a story its own and providing new context.

What is the importance of transmedia and how it change the traditional marketing storytelling? ›

This is why transmedia storytelling is important. It breaks the mould of traditional marketing storytelling and forces people to tell stories with as much gusto as they can muster, using images, videos, animated GIFs, cinemagraphs, sounds, maps, and words.

What's the difference between transmedia and crossmedia? ›

It is clear that crossmedia does not expand the narrative of a fictional world, but only redistributes the content and information through the largest possible number of different media platforms. On the other hand, transmedia content expands the whole fictional world.

What is multimedia storytelling? ›

A multimedia story is narrative content that uses video, images, or audio (or a combination of all three) to tell a story. Multimedia stories can include data visualisations, infographics, slideshows, social media posts, interactive maps, animations, and many other kinds of visual and audio elements.

How can we use Transmedia in education? ›

In education, Transmedia involves the usage of one or more of these channels to develop a coherent a story involving a specific content or topic, allowing students both to research and comprehend it, and to conceptualize it in such a way that they can adapt it to the different formats.

Why would a teacher use Transmedia? ›

A transmedia pedagogy allows learners and content to flow fluidly across media platforms. Students can enter their learning in a way that meets their needs and educators can draw upon the strengths of and maximize the power of individual platforms.

What is a transmedia project? ›

Transmedia storytelling is the practice of designing, sharing, and participating in a cohesive story experience across multiple traditional and digital delivery platforms - for entertainment, advertising and marketing, or social change.

What is immersive storytelling? ›

What Is Immersive Storytelling? Immersive storytelling can be defined as a technique that uses the latest technologies to create a compelling sense of presence. It gives the audience the feeling of “being there.” It's a unique but impactful way of blending reality with fiction.

What is a TransMedia artist? ›

Similarly, “transmedia art” points to new meanings of the artwork, which is posited as something that crosses and brings together different media in order to effect various kinds of interaction scenarios and experiences with its users, audiences and art institutions as well.

How do we evaluate digital information? ›

To evaluate digital content to ensure it's meaningful: look critically at information to determine its relevance, suitability and reliability. be critical and sceptical about sources and information to ensure authenticity. check for accuracy, validity and currency as measures of information quality.

When was transmedia storytelling invented? ›

The term “transmedia storytelling” was first used in media studies by M. Kinder, a professor at the University of Southern California, in 1991. Kinder analyzed stories for children who, through different media platforms, generated new levels of interaction with children.

What is participatory culture Jenkins? ›

A participatory culture is a culture with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement, strong support for creating and sharing one's creations, and some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices.

When was storytelling invented? ›

Around 700 B.C., there is evidence of the first recorded stories that include the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad by Homer. The fact that these stories were recorded enabled them to spread quickly and widely across the world.

Is Marvel a transmedia? ›

Even if Henry Jenkins may not be aware of this, according to his own definition, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a transmedia narrative.

Can the transmedia storytelling approach be used for marketing non entertainment products? ›

The trans-media storytelling approach can be used to market non-entertainment products as long as it does not interfere with the participation and engagement of fans. Fan participation is a key element of transmedia storytelling since they help to shape the story.

Can you think about any other fashion company that has developed a true transmedia storytelling? ›

Storytelling is a universal human experience. A brand's story and its narrative are as important to the consumers as the products themselves. One such brand that has embraced this new cultural code is Gucci.

What are the elements of transmedia storytelling? ›

Video: 8 Elements of Transmedia
  • Telling a story.
  • Using a variety of story forms.
  • Across multiple media platforms.
  • Within a unified storyworld.
  • Encourages audience participation.
  • Embedded game mechanics.
  • A social experience.
  • Designed for multiple levels of engagement.
2 Jun 2013

What's the difference between transmedia and crossmedia? ›

It is clear that crossmedia does not expand the narrative of a fictional world, but only redistributes the content and information through the largest possible number of different media platforms. On the other hand, transmedia content expands the whole fictional world.

Who invented transmedia storytelling? ›

Transmedia storytelling, which was coined by Henry Jenkins, is described as a process where integral elements of a story are disseminated systematically across multiple channels in order to generate a uniform and synchronized entertainment experience [1].

What is participatory culture Jenkins? ›

A participatory culture is a culture with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement, strong support for creating and sharing one's creations, and some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices.

Is Harry Potter a transmedia? ›

Harry Potter is the epitome of transmedia storytelling because it comes across so many different platforms: book, film, video game, and website.

Is transmedia still a thing? ›

Transmedia storytelling originated in mainstream media such as novels, films and comic books, and it is still most commonly and expansively used in entertainment contexts.

What is transmedia storytelling marketing? ›

What Is Transmedia Storytelling? Transmedia storytelling uses multiple media platforms to tell a narrative across time. Think of it as a puzzle, whether you're reading a comic book series, playing video games, using mobile apps, or watching films and television; each function as their very own standalone experience.

What is crossmedia? ›

cross-media. adjective. COMMUNICATIONS. involving more than one form of public communication: Their advertising campaign includes cross-media coverage on television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.

What is multi platform in film? ›

Producing creative content across multiple platforms is also sometimes described as a method of engaging in 360 degree storytelling. The idea is to enhance the narrative by providing meaningful interactions for users across several relevant platforms.

When was transmedia storytelling invented? ›

The term “transmedia storytelling” was first used in media studies by M. Kinder, a professor at the University of Southern California, in 1991. Kinder analyzed stories for children who, through different media platforms, generated new levels of interaction with children.

When was storytelling invented? ›

Around 700 B.C., there is evidence of the first recorded stories that include the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad by Homer. The fact that these stories were recorded enabled them to spread quickly and widely across the world.

When was transmedia invented? ›

In scholarly analysis, one of the first uses of the term “transmedia” can be traced to Marsha Kinder's (1991) examination of children's culture as newly constituted by “entertainment super systems” organized across film, television, and video games.

What does Jenkins argue about interactivity and participation? ›

Jenkins believes that participatory culture can play a role in the education of young people as a new form of implicit curriculum. He finds a growing body of academic research showing the potential benefits of participatory cultures, both formal and informal, for the education of young people.

Is Instagram participatory culture? ›

Instagram is an app where you can post photos and videos (along with captions) and you can view the photos and videos of your 'friends' that you follow. This platform shows a participatory culture for a few reasons. To start, by posting your own photos, you are a producer of media rather than simply a consumer.

What is media participation? ›

Participatory media is communication media where the audience can play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating content. Citizen / Participatory Journalism, Citizen Media, Empowerment Journalism and Democratic Media are related principles.

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